All posts by Steven Knowlton

7th International Congress of Vexillology — Washington, D.C., United States, 1977

ICV 7 Washington DC7th International Congress of Vexillology — Washington, D.C., United States



Organized by

Flag Research Center Flag Research Center




North American Vexillological Association North American Vexillological Association

on 10–14 June 1977


The proceedings were published in Flag Bulletin #84 (vol. XIX, issues 3-5).

Unfortunately, FIAV’s request to publish the papers on this website was refused by the Flag Research Center.

Author Paper
Grace Rogers Cooper Flags: Problems in conservation
James Croft Vexillological research in South and East Africa
John L. Cross Flags of Mexico: An overview
Harold Diceman Modern Canadian military flags
A. W. Etchells The development of military flags exemplified in the Thirty years’ war
Atle Grahl-Madsen Problems of flag terminology and standardisation
Norberto Gutierrez Spanish flags in the War of independence of the United States
A. Zach Hirsch Flags on postage stamps
Franz Kaindl The flag collection of the Military history museum of Vienna
Harold D. Langley Some problems of flag research: A look at the origins and evolution of the Furlong-McCandless history of the United States flag
John Lyman Flags of rank, command, and dignity in the United States Navy 1777-1977
Howard Michael Madaus The application of inductive research techniques to two vexillological challenges: The identification of the flag if the Sultanate of Sulu and the issuance of the distinctive variations of the first battle flags of the Confederate Army of the Potomac (Army of Northern Virginia)
Ottfried Neubecker The impact of trade and shipping agreements on the usage of flags
Martin J. O’Malley International patterns in vexillology: A statistical analysis of flags
Michael W. Panhorst Thumbling Waters Museum: Progress with a purpose
Lucien Philippe Banners and flags if the army and navy of China in 1883
Thomas Pinto The standard flag of America and the World’s Columbian Exposition
Arnold Rabbow Flag strike over Berlin: A follow-up
Arnold Rabbow Flags and ‘good causes’: A functional dilemma
Casimir de Rham A British flag in Schaffhausen Switzerland
Helen Sadtler Flags of independence in the South
Klaes Sierksma Municipal flags in the Netherlands
D. Ralph Spence An outline history of Canada’s flag


In addition, the following NAVA publication was distributed to attendees:

Author Paper
H. Wescher Flags

6th International Congress of Vexillology — IJsselmeer, Flevoland, Netherlands, 1975

ICV6 IJsselmeer 19756th International Congress of Vexillology — IJsselmeer, Flevoland, Netherlands



Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek (SBH)Organized by Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek on 16–20 April 1975



The proceedings were published as Recueil, Congrès international de vexillologie VI, aux Pays-Bas, 16–20 Avril 1975 (Muiderberg: Editions SHB, 1975) edited by Klaes Sierksma et al.

Author Paper
Front Matter
R. M.H. Magnee Monuments and Flags
E. M. C. Barraclough The Dragon Banner of the Kings of Britain
Guenter Mattern Nachahmung des britischen Flaggensystems durch Nordseeamrainerstaaten [Imitation of the British flag system by rival states of the North Sea]
Aldo Ziggioto Die Fahnen der politischen Parteien Italiens [The flags of Italian political parties]
John Lyman Maritime Law and Flag Usage
Lucien Philippe Les anciens drapeaux de Madagascar [Former flags of Madagascar]
Franz Kaindl Fahnenembleme, eine Konsequens aus der Beschaffenheit des Staatswappens [Emblems on flags, a consequence of the nature of state arms]
Whitney Smith Flags of the American Revolution: An Overview
V. A. van Ham The cross of Burgundy: A symbol through five ages
The flags of the Salvation Army
Albert J. Jonas Das Patriarchenkreuz von Byzanz bis zu der französischen Wideratandsbewegung [The Patriarchal Cross from Byzantium to the French Resistance movement]
C. M. Schulten Les drapeaux et étendards militaires néerlandaises [Dutch military flags and banners]
Rene Brus On the search of forgotten regalia all around the world
Paul Chadbourne Miles “New Glory” and Other Flag Exhibitions at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Arnold Rabbow Flaggenstreit um Berlin [Flag fight over Berlin]
Supplement 1: Program and Participants
Klaes Sierksma Supplement 2: Allocution de bienvenue par M. Klaes Sierksma le 16 Avril 1975 [Welcoming address by Mr. Klaes Sierksma on April 16, 1975]
Klaes Sierksma Supplement 3: Introductory to the General Meeting of the FIAV by Mr. Klaes Sierksma, secretary-general for the congresses FIAV, and other addresses
Supplement 4: Allocution de bienvenue a la Frise par le Bourgenmestre de Lemsterlân [Welcoming address to Friesland by the Mayor of Lemsterlân], and other addresses
Klaes Sierksma Supplement 5: A speech of Mr. Klaes Sierksma, president of the Foundation for Banneristics and Heraldry, at Medemblik-castle

5th International Congress of Vexillology — London, England, 1973

ICV5 London 19735th International Congress of Vexillology — London, England



The Flag InstituteOrganized by the Flag Institute on 13–18 September 1973.



The proceedings were never published as a single volume.  Some of the papers are linked here; some were published in other venues, as shown below; yet others remain unpublished.
“Of the ten papers presented at the Congress, three have been published in the Flag Bulletin and seven have not been published anywhere. FI could not find a copy of the following four unpublished papers: (1) H. Michael Madaus, “The Evolution of the Color Guard in the US Army”; (2) C. Pama, “Republic Flags in South Africa in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries’; (3) Georges Pasch, “Les fonctions du drapeaux et le développement de la conscience socio-politique”; and (4) J.H. Rombach & Klaes Sierksma, “Les drapeaux officiels aux Pays-Bas.” If anyone has a copy of one of these papers, please contact FI. The remaining three unpublished papers found by FI will be published on FI’s website along with a list of the papers published in the Flag Bulletin and the names of the four papers that could not be found. This will conclude the publication of the ICV 5 proceedings.” (Info-FIAV 24/2007, p. 8). The Flag Institute managed to locate some in the mean time and shall publish them on line soon.

Unfortunately, FIAV’s request to publish the papers from the Flag Bulletin on this website was refused by the Flag Research Center.

Author Paper
Whitney Smith The Symbols of Peace and Pacifism.
Published as: ‘Symbols and peace and pacifism: introduction’, Flag Bulletin 18 (6): 211-22; ‘Symbols of peace and pacifism: the dove, olive branch and white flag’, Flag Bulletin 20 (1): 11-22.
J. H. Rombach & Klaes Sierksma Les drapeaux officiels aux Pays-Bas [The official flags of the Netherlands]
Forthcoming in PDF format
Howard Michael Madaus The Evolution of the Color Guard in the US Army
* Unpublished; no known copy
Arnold Rabbow A Vexillological Outlook on Colour Specifications.
Published as ‘Flag Color Specifications’, Flag Bulletin 20 (3): 95-104.
Cor Pama Flags of Nineteenth-Century Republics in South Africa
Forthcoming in PDF format
Günter Mattern Flags of Switzerland and its Cantons during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era
Forthcoming in PDF format
David Lister The Transition from Medieval to Modern Flags
Published on the Flag Institute website
W. A. van Ham Symbols from the ‘De Gortter’ Manuscript from Malines
Forthcoming in PDF format
H. D. Birk The Great Imperial Standard as Reflected in the Heraldry of Württemberg.
Published as ‘Die Reichssturmfahne: Standard of the Holy Roman Empire’, Flag Bulletin 13 (2): 33-49.
Linda Osborne Flags on Silver Ingots
Published on the Flag Institute website
Atle Grahl-Madsen An International Standard for Flags
* Unpublished; please see related articles by this author in Flag Bulletin
Georges Pasch Les fonctions du drapeau et le développement de la conscience socio-politique [The functions of the flag and the development of socio-political awareness]
* Unpublished; no known copy
Klaes Sierksma A Tribute to Karl Fachinger
Forthcoming in PDF format
Klaes Sierksma Presentation of the Medal of Honour of the SBH [to the late Karl Fachinger]
Forthcoming in PDF format
Klaes Sierksma Opening Address
Forthcoming in PDF format
Günter Mattern Flags of Switzerland and its Cantons during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era
Forthcoming in PDF format


4th International Congress of Vexillology — Turin, Italy 1971

ICV4 Turin 19714th International Congress of Vexillology — Turin, Italy 1971



Accademia di San Marciano, Sezione Vessillologica (ASM)Organized by the Accademia di San Mariano on 24 – 27 June 1971.




ICV04-00CoverThe proceedings were published as IVe Congrès international de vexillologie, Torino, 24-27 juin 1971 : recueil / organisé par l’Accademia di San Marciano, Torino [Vexilla italica : Numero speciale 1975] (Turin : Centro Italiano di studi Vessillologici, 1975) edited by Aldo Ziggioto et al.


Author Paper
Front Matter
L’étendard de l’Accademica di s. Marciano [The standard of the Academy of San Marciano]
Le drapeau du IVe Congrès International de Vexillologie [The flag of the 4th International Congress of Vexillology]
Front Matter, continued
Aldo Ziggioto Gli antichi libri di bandiere della Biblioteca Reale e dell’Archivio di Stato di Tornio [The ancient flag books of the Royal Library and the State Archives of Tornio]
Silvio Curto Insegne e vessilli dell’antico Egitto e in Oriente [Insignia and banners of ancient Egypt and the Near East]
Whitney Smith The flag in advertising
C. Gunnar U. Scheffer Le concours pour la création d’un symbol et d’un drapeau pour le Conseil Nordique [The competition for the creation of a symbol and a flag for the Nordic Council]
Günter Mattern Ursprung der Landesfarben [Origin of the German national colors]
Ernesto Chiappa Le bandiere e le uniformi del reggimento “La Marina” nel sec. XVIII [The flags and uniforms of the “La Marina” regiment in the 18th century]
Klaes Sierksma Les premières traces de l’emploi des drapeaux dans la Frise médiévale [The first traces of the use of flags in medieval Friesland]
Aldo Ziggioto Torino, il suo simboto e le sue bandiere [Turin: Its symbols and its flags]
H. C. Kemp Flags of Nations on Picture Postcards
Lucien Philippe Les drapeaux de quelques principautés hindoues [The flags of some Hindu principalities]
William G. Crampton Civic Flags of the United Kingdom
Paolo E. Fiora Due stendardi. Una metodologia, un restauro [Two banners. A methodology, a restoration]
Georges Pasch Table de détermination des drapeaux. Détermination des sections [Flag determination table. Determination of sections]
Hans Horstmann Die Lehnsfahnen der deutschen Bischöfe und ihre Bedeutung für die Heraldik [The feudal flags of the German bishops and their meaning for heraldry]
Louis Mühlemann Les pavillons des mations maritimes au XVIIe siècle d’après le manuscript de J. Moutton [The flags of maritime nations in the 17th century from the manuscript of J. Moutton]
Ottfried Neubecker Aufklärung der Herkunft eines bemalten Holzkastens aus dem 13. Jahrhundert im Kunstgewerbemuseum von Berlin mit Hilfe von Lanzenfähnchen [Clarification of the origin of a painted wooden box from the 13th century in the Museum of Applied Arts in Berlin with the help of lance flags]
Back matter

Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique = Ontmoeting van Europese vlaggenvrienden = [Meeting of European Friends of Vexillology] — Temse, Belgium, 1969

In the week following the ICV 3 Boston 1969 a subsequent vexillological meeting was held:

Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique = Ontmoeting van Europese vlaggenvrienden = [Meeting of European Friends of Vexillology] — Temse, Belgium

Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek (SBH)Organized by Stichting voor banistiek en heraldiek on 12–14 September 1969.



Rencontre 1969The proceedings were published as Petit recueil du Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique = Boekje over de Ontmoeting van Europese vlaggenvrienden (Muiderberg: Stichting voor banistiek en heraldiek, 1969).


Author Paper
Front Matter
Opening Speeches
Klaes Sierksma Pavillons at Armes des Villes Hanséatiques aux Pays-Bas [“Flags and Arms of Hanseatic Towns in the Netherlands”]
William G. Crampton Drapeau chez les Anglais [“The Flag of the English”]
Jan Toorians Mittelalterliches Fahnenschwenken im 20.Jahrhundert [“Medieval Flag-Waving in the 20th Century”]
J. F. van Dulm Introduction to the History of the Signal-Flags in the Netherlands Navy
C. Gunnar U. Scheffer Les Proportions du Drapeau Suedois [“The Proportions of the Swedish Flag”]
A. J. Beenhakker Flaggen von “Waterschappen” in den Niederlanden [“Flags of ‘Water Boards’ in the Netherlands”]
Georges Pasch Esquisse d’une Théorie Scientifique de l’Harmonie des Couleurs en Vexillologie [“Sketch of a Scientific Theory about the Harmony of Colors in Vexillology”]

3rd International Congress of Vexillology — Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1969

ICV3 Boston 19693rd International Congress of Vexillology — Boston, Massachusetts, USA



Organized by

The Flag Research Center (FRC)The Flag Research Center




Heraldry Society of Canada / Société héraldique du CanadaHeraldry Society of Canada / Société héraldique du Canada





North American Vexillological Association-Association nord-américaine de vexillologie (NAVA)North American Vexillological Association



United States Flag Foundation (USFF)The United States Flag Foundation, and




Boston UniversityThe Department of Social Sciences of Boston University



on 5–7 September 1969.

The proceedings were published as Report of the Third International Congress of Vexillology (Winchester, Mass.: Flag Research Center, 1971) in the Flag Bulletin X:2-3 (1971).

Unfortunately, FIAV’s request to publish the papers from the Flag Bulletin on this website was refused by the Flag Research Center.


Whitney Smith The Bedford Flag
Lucien Philippe The French Tricolor and Its Influence on Flags Throughout the World
E. M. C. Barraclough Three Historic Flags
John M. Purcell United States Municipal Flags – An Overview
Helen Cruikshank Sadtler Flags On The Moon
Peter Mäder The Julius Banners
George M. Beley The Flag of Brockville, Ontario
Roger Lachenal The Flags of Grand-Place
Ken Huff The Growth of an Encyclopedia Flag Article
André G. Privé Moroccan Provincial Arms and Flags
George Pasch Why There Are Only Six Colors on Flags – A Psychophysiological Theory of Basic Colors
Arne Danielsson The Swedish State Trophy Collection
Joseph Melchior Galliker The Flags of Unterwalden
Walter Angst An Armorial Banner for President Kennedy
Walter Angst The Flag of ‘Helping Hands’
Whitney Smith Current Flag Usage in Haiti
David B. Martucci The Flags of The State of New Jersey
Klaes Sierksma A First Chapter on The Medieval History of the Friesian Flag


2nd International Congress of Vexillology — Zurich, Switzerland, 1967

ICV2 Ruschilikon 19672nd International Congress of Vexillology — Zurich, Switzerland




Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Fahnen- und Flaggenkunde / Société Suisse de Vexillologie / Società Svizzera di Vessillologia (SSGF/SSV)Organized by Gilde der Zürcher Heraldiker and Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Fahnen- und Flaggenkunde / Société Suisse de Vexillologie / Società Svizzera di Vessillologia on 1 – 3 September 1967



The proceedings were published as Receuil de IIe Congrès international de vexillologie, Zurich 1967 (Zurich: Société Suisse de Vexillologie, 1968).



Author Paper
Front Matter
Whitney Smith The Real and the Ideal in Vexillology
E. M. C. Barraclough The Flags in the Bayeux Tapestry (What Do They Tell Us?)
Hans Horstmann Vor- un Frühgeschichte des europäischen Flaggenwesens (avec résumé, “Le période prévexillologique et la premiere période de l’histoire des pavillons in Europe”) [“The pre-vexillological period and the first period of the history of flags in Europe”]
Roger Harmignies Histoire du drapeau du Congo (De l’Etat indépendant a la République Démocratique) [“History of the flag of Congo (From the Free State to the Democratic Republic)]
J. G. Kerkhoven Reconstruction and Restoration of Spanish and French Colours in the Dutch Army Museum at Leyden
Sigmund Widmer Begrüßungsansprache des Stadtpräsidenten von Zürich [“Welcome Address from the Mayor of the City of Zurich”]
Klaes Sierksma Ansprache als Antwort auf die Begrüßungsansprache von Stadtpräsident Dr. S. Widmer [“Address in response to the Welcome Address of Mayor Dr. Sigmund Widmer”]
Hugo Schneider Résumé der Führung in der Waffenhalle des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums durch Dr. Hugo Schneider, avec Résumé des explications données par M. Hugo Schneider a l’occasion de la visite de la grande salle d’armes du Muse National Suisse [“Summary of the explanations given by Mr. Hugo Schneider on the occasion of the visit to the grand hall of weapons at the National Museum Switzerland”]
Hugo Schneider Besichtigung des Ateliers für Konservierung und Restaurierung der Fahnen un Uniformen, mit Eine Neu Entdeckte Fane Eines Schweizerregiments in Holländischen Diensten; Visite de l’atelier de conservation et de restauration des drapeaux et uniformes, avec La Découverte du drapeu d’un Régiment Suisse au service de Hollande [“Visit to the workshop for conservation and restoration of colours and uniforms, with A Newly Discovered Flag of a Swiss Regiment in Service to Holland”]
J. H. Schuilenga The Van de Veldes
Lawrence Phelps Tower Flag Desecration in the United States
Klaes Sierksma Bannistique et esthétique [“Flag Appreciation and Aesthetics”]
Louis Mühlemann Geschischte und Politik im Spiegel der Staatschefsstandarten, avec résumé, L’histoire et la politique révélées par les étendards et pavillons des Chefs d’Etat [“History and politics seen through the standards and flags of heads of state”]
G. Scheffer Nach Maß bestellte schwedische Kreuzflaggen um die Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts (avec résumé, Drapeux suedois avec la croix commandés sur mesure au milieu du XVIIe siecle) [“Custom-made Swedish cross flags from the middle of the seventeenth century”]
G. Scheffer La Journée du Drapeau en Suede [“Swedish Flag Day”]
Klaes Sierksma Empfang im Heimatmuseum von Rapperswil/SG, Dankesworte von Kl. Sierksma [“Reception at the museum of Rapperswil, canton of St. Gallen, Acknowledgements by Klaes Sierksma”]
Mrs. Berber J. Sierksma-Zeeff Am Festmahl im Zunfthaus zur Meisen (Samstag Abend, 2. September) gehaltene Ansprache, avec Annexe a l’allocution: décision du bureau de la “Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek” [“Speech on the occasion of the women’s feast at the Meisen Guild House (Saturday night, September 2), with an addition : the decision of the office of the Foundation for Flag Study and Heraldry”]
G. de Graaf Flags over Liberia
Gastone Cambin Drapeaux de communes tessinoises [“Flags of the Municipalities of the Canton of Ticino”]
Georges Pasch Les drapeaux des cartes-portulans [“Flags from Portolan Charts”]
Szabolcs de Vajay Le drapeau en tant que meuble héraldique dans les armoiries hongroises [“Flags as heraldic devices in Hungarian arms”]
Fondation de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Vexillologie (FIAV) [“Establishment of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations”]
Klaes Sierksma Allocution finale [“Closing Address”]
“Drapeau (et pavillon) de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Vexillologie [“Flag (and Banner) of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations”]
Le drapeau du IIe Congres International de Vexillologie [“The Flag of the 2nd International Congress of Vexillology”]
Le drapeau de la Société Suisse de Vexillologie [“The Banner of the Swiss Society of Vexillology”]

1st International Congress of Vexillology — Muiderberg, Netherlands, 1965

ICV1 Muiderberg 19651st International Congress of Vexillology — Muiderberg, Netherlands


Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek (SBH)Organized by Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek on 4–5 September 1965.



The proceedings were published as Receuil des discours banistiques à l’occasion du premier Congrès International de l’Etude Scientifique des Drapeaux, le 4me et 5me septembre à Muiderberg, Pays-Bas (Muiderberg: Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek, 1966).

Author Paper
Klaes Sierksma and Whitney Smith A l’ouverture du congres [At the opening of the congress]
J. H. Rombach Red Cross Flags and Emblems
Georges Pasch La Croix sur les Drapeaux [The Cross on Flags]
W. H. J. Punt A History of the Flags of South-Africa
F. J. Simons Production d’une Mappemonde aux Drapeaux [Production of a World Map with Flags]
Albert J. Jónás Die Flaggen Ungarns [The Flags of Hungary]
J. Jongeneel Official Greetings and Welcome
Klaes Sierksma Niederlänische Kriegsflaggen des 17. Jahrhunderts [Dutch War Flags of the Seventeenth Century]
Klaes Sierksma An exposition of old Indonesian flags
E. M. C. Barraclough British Ship Ensigns
Ottfried Neubecker Flaggenwesen und Gesetzgebung [Flags and Legislation]
J. H. Schuilenga Mailflags
Willem van Ham Farben und Flaggen Brabants [Colors and Flags of Brabant]
Louis Mühlemann Bannieres Médiévales et drapeaux militaires Suisses [Medieval Banners and Military Flags of Switzerland]
Whitney Smith An Introductory of Puerto Rican Flags
Pierre Lux-Wurm Les Drapeaux de l’Amérique Espanole [Flags of Spanish America]
A. J. Beenhakker Municipality Flags of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen [Municipality Flags of Zeelandic Flanders]
D. van Leeuwen About Russian State Flags
J. C. Kemp Flags on Postage Stamps
A. Jansen TV-News Spots aux Drapeaux [Television News Segments about Flags] (see p. 128)
Attendants at the Congress
J. G. Demes Vatikanstadtflags und Wimpel [Vatican City Flags and Pennants]
Klaes Sierksma Proposals for an International System of Flag Description

Searchable List of Papers Presented at Congresses

The list below contains all the papers that are available within this website.  Use your brower’s “find” function to search for keywords.

Jon Addison Looking to the Heavens: The Australasian League Flag of 1851 ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Zdenko Alexy Slovak civic flags and banners ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
M. J. R. Allen Flags of Note in the Imperial War Museum ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Teodoro Amerlinck y Zírion Des pavillons authentiques du Premier Empire Mexicain [Authentic Flags of the First Mexican Empire] ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Teodoro Amerlinck y Zirión Escudos de las entidades federativas de México [Arms of the Mexican States] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Teodoro Amerlinck y Zirión Histoire des Insignes du Guatémala [A History of Guatemalan Emblems] ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Teodoro Amerlinck y Zirión Insignes et Symboles de Pouvoir du Premier au Second Empire Mexicain et leurs antécédents historiques [Badges and Symbols of Power of the First and Second Mexican Empires and Their Historical Antecedents] ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Teodoro Amerlinck y Zirion The Origins of the Mexican Flag ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Teodoro Amerlinck The Principal Insignias of Mexico (Flag Bulletin 97, p.  204) ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Teodoro Amerlinck y Zirión Vexilloids at the Time of the Conquest of Mexico ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Peter A. Ansoff Sir Charles Fawcett Redux: The Historical Connection between the British East India Company Flag and the American Continental Colors ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Stoyan Antonov Flags of Bulgarian municipalities ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Robin Ashburner Flags in Wales ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Franz Bachtiger Notizen zur Fahnensammiung im Historischen Museum Bern (The flag collection of the Historical Museum of Berne / La collection des drapeaux du Musée d’Histoire de Berne) ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Magnus Bäckmark Banners in Heraldic Art ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
László Balogh The Flag Museum of Budapest and the Hungarian Flag Society ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
E. M. C. Barraclough British Ship Ensigns ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
E. M. C. Barraclough The Dragon Banner of the Kings of Britain ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
E. M. C. Barraclough The Flags in the Bayeux Tapestry (What Do They Tell Us?) ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Bernard Barrett Eureka: A Flag That Merits Better ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Australia’s Boxing Kangaroo Flag—Whose Flag Is It? ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Australia’s Vice-Regal Legacy ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Charting Vexillology’s Brightness ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Flags by King for country ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Good Flag—Bad Use ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Lands of the Rising Sun ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Province of Bumbunga: Study of a Self-Proclaimed Independent State within Australia ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Stamping a Nation’s Image: Currency & Stamps—Australia’s Centenary of Federation ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett The Right Angle Tricolour ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett 25 Years of World Vexillology ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Unity in Flags ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Ralph G. C. Bartlett Wine, Women and Flags: The Birth of a Colonial Ensign ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Graham Bartram County Flags—Developments in British Vexillology ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Graham Bartram Obscure British Flags: So Many to Choose From ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Graham Bartram The Story of Scotland’s Flags ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Bruce Baskerville and Stephen Szabo Australia’s First? The History of the Bowman Flag Reconsidered ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Francois Beaudoin Le Quebec du point du vue vexillologique [Quebec from a vexillological point of view] (Flag Bulletin 107, p. 149) ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Andrej Bebłowski Polish Flags ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Andrzej Bebłowski Polskie flagi jachtowe [Polish Yacht Burgees and Ensigns] ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Andrzej Bebłowski Some Less Known Aspects of History of Ensigns of Polish Sea Going Vessels 1863-1919 ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
A. J. Beenhakker Flaggen von “Waterschappen” in den Niederlanden [“Flags of ‘Water Boards’ in the Netherlands”] Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
A. J. Beenhakker Municipality Flags of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen [Municipality Flags of Zeelandic Flanders] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Tiago José Berg Geography and Vexillology: Landscapes in the Flags ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Tiago José Berg Vexillology with high school students ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Tom C. Bergroth Flying National Colours in a Grand Duchy under the Imperial Double-Headed Eagle: A Short Survey of the Development of the Finnish Colours in the 19th Century ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
José Bernal Cisuela Villamartin (Cádiz), sintesis monográfica [Villamartin, Cádiz: Monographic summary] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Bruce Berry The beloved green and white: (White) Rhodesia’s search for a unique symbol of identity ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Bruce Berry The flags of the British South Africa Company 1890-1923 ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Bruce Berry Moving Towards a New South African Vexillological Typology: The Flags of the Six New Metropolitan Councils ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Bruce Berry Municipal Flags in Zimbabwe ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Bruce Berry Royal Standards of Southern Africa ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Bruce Berry Stillborn: Flags Designed for the “Republic of KwaNdebele” ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Bruce Berry “Zero to Hero”—The Role of the National Flag in Nation Building in Post-apartheid South Africa ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Bruce Berry and Edward Watson Flags of the South African Department of Defence: 1994 and Beyond ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Bruce Berry and Theo Stylianides Vexistats: A Statistical Overview of the Colours, Symbols and Designs of National Flags in the 20th Century ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Stephen Berry The Dead Hand of Copyright: Flagging an Issue ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Alfredo Betocchi Breve Storia dei Simbola della Citta di Firenze e degli Stendardi Personali dei Primi “Medici” [Brief History of the Symbols of the City of Florence and the Personal Standards of the Medici Rulers] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Alfredo Betocchi Buddhist symbolism in Siamese flags ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Alfredo Betocchi Origin of the Flag of the Venetian Republic ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Thilo Biegler Flaggenführung der Schiffe und Boote der deutschen Kriegsmarine nach der Kapitulation 1945 [Flags of the Ships and Boats of the Germany Navy After the Surrender in 1945] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Thilo Biegler Seminar: Establishing a Flag Data Base ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Elżbieta Bimler-Mackiewicz Symbole pracy i wiary na sztandarach rzemieślniczych [The Symbols of Work and Faith on Guild Banners] ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
H. D. Birk The Great Imperial Standard as Reflected in the Heraldry of Württemberg.
Published as ‘Die Reichssturmfahne: Standard of the Holy Roman Empire’, Flag Bulletin 13 (2): 33-49.
ICV 5 (London, 1973)
H. D. Birk Banner und Schild der Hohenstaufen von 1220 [The banner and shield of the Hohenstaufen from 1220] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Elsie H. Blechta The Pine Tree as the First American Flag ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Jelena Borošak-Marijanović The Collection of Flags and Streamers at the Croatian History Museum and Its Symbolism ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Jelena Borošak-Marijanovič Flag-Shaped Badges: The Symbols of Countries in WWI ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Jelena Borošak-Marijanović Sokol Flags: The Symbols of the Croatian Sokol Movement to 1914 ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Hugh Brady Utility or Futility?: Revisiting Smith’s Vexillological Classification System ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Krzysztof Braun Symbolika flag miast Północnego Mazowsza [Die wappensymbolik der Stadte Nordmasovien] [The Symbolism on the City Flags of North Mazovia] ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Herbart Breitenader Österreichische Infanteriefahnen 1743 bis 1918 [Austrian infantry flags 1743 to 1918] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Lorenzo Breschi A Century of Changing Colours on National Flags ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Roberto Breschi Flags in Italy Under Napoleon’s Rule ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Roberto Breschi Little Known Flags of the State of Lucca ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Roberto Breschi Precursory Projects of the Regional Emblems in Italian Geopolitical Area ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Roberto Breschi Small and Very Small States in Italy that Lasted beyond 1700—A Vexillological Survey ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Roberto Breschi A vexillological treasure in Florence: A story in three acts ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Leon Breytenbach Contemporary South African Design Inspired by the Post-Apartheid Flag ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Heather Brownell Flags and the Law in South Africa ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Frederick Gordon Brownell New Southern African Flags ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Frederick G. Brownell The Cartoonist’s View of the South African National Flag ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Frederick G. Brownell The flags of the Diggers’ Republic ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Frederick G. Brownell Flags of the Uniformed and Other Services in the Former African “Homelands” of South Africa ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Frederick G. Brownell Historic Flags of South Africa ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Frederick G. Brownell The National Flag of South Africa—Evolution of the Final Design ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Aleš Brožek 1979–2003—25 Years of Flag Book and Chart Publication ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Aleš Brožek A contribution to the development of the Czechoslovak state flag ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Aleš Brožek A History of Czechoslovak Ensigns ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Aleš Brožek Did the United States Influence the Czechoslovak National Flag? ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Aleš Brožek Flags of Bohemian Regions ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Aleš Brožek The History of the Flag of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Aleš Brožek Municipal Flags in Bohemia ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Aleš Brožek A new country, old symbols: flags and arms of the Czech Republic ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Aleš Brožek Search for the Ideal Municipal Flags ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Aleš Brožek Search for the Symbols of the Ústecký Region ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Aleš Brožek Several Unpublished Proposals for the Design of the Czechoslovak National Flag ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Aleš Brožek The survey of flags used by rowing clubs in the Czech Republic ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Aleš Brožek Symbols of Czech and Slovak Political Parties after the “Velvet Revolution” ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Aleš Brožek A Vexillological View of 1848—the Year of the Revolution in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
José Luis Brugués La Bandera de Espana [The Flag of Spain] ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Joseph Brulisauer Die Fahnensammiung des Historischen Museums Luzern (The flag collection of the Historical Museum in Lucerne / La collection des drapeaux du Musee d’Histoire de Lucerne) ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Rene Brus On the search of forgotten regalia all around the world ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
André P. Burgers Sovereign Flags Over South Africa from 1488 to 1994 ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
André P. Burgers Vexillology of the Anglo-Boer War—Boer Flags ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Anthony C. Burton Australia’s New Flag—A Pageant of Colours and Integrated Symbols ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Anthony C. Burton Budgie smuggling: Flag mayhem in Malaysia ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Anthony C. Burton Flagging Indifference—Emblems of the Adelaide and Barossa Germans in South Australia 1838-1972—Symbols of Authentic Patriotism and Citizenship ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Anthony C. Burton Golden Ochre, Blue Down Under ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Anthony C. Burton Raising the Standard: An Argument from Design ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Anthony C. Burton The Design of the Australian Flag: A Gestalt Approach ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Anthony C. Burton Tjuringa Dreaming: Revolutionary Flags of the Australian Aboriginals: Heralds of Change 1971-1997 ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Anthony C. Burton Token Totems—Flags of the Palio and Cultural Cross-Over in Flag Design ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Anthony C. Burton We Did But See Her Passing By… the 1954 Royal Visit and Its Impact on Australian and New Zealand Vexillology ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Buxin Han Colour on National Flags: Geography & Psychology ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
George F. Cahill History’s Articulate Flags ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
George F. Cahill Nova Constellatio: the English and French Connection ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
George F. Cahill One Hundred Years Ago [description of a painting by William H. Willcox that is an illustrative history of the U.S. flag] ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Hervé Calvarin Doubts and certainties in vexillology ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Gastone Cambin Drapeaux de communes tessinoises [“Flags of the Municipalities of the Canton of Ticino”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
John Cartledge Flags and Emblems of the British Republic 1649–1660 ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
John Cartledge Red for danger ICV 27 (London, 2017)
John Cartledge Though Cowards Flinch: The History of the Red Flag as a Symbol of Revolt Against Repression ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Alfonso de Ceballos-Escalera y Gila Los estandartes de los caudillos hugonotes en la batalia de Jarnac, el 13 de marzo de 1569 [Standards of the Huguenot Leaders in the Battle of Jarnac, March 13, 1569] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Dan Cernovodeanu Flags of the Navy and Merchant Marine of Walachia and Moldavia (the United Principalities and Romania) 1834-1897 ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Dan Cernovodeanu Les drapeaux royaux de Roumanie et les pavillons de la marine militaire de ce pays au XX-e siecle [The royal flags and naval flags of Romania in the twentieth century] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Dan Cernovodeanu Les origines lointaines du drapeau tricolore roumain [The distant origins of the Romanian tricolor] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Dan Cernovodeanu L’evolution du drapeau tricolore roumain de 1834–1881 [Evolution of the Romanian tricolor from 1834–1881] ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Dan Cernovodeanu Merchant Flags of Walachia and Moldavia in the 19th Century ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Sekhar Chakrabarti An Early 20th Century Indian National Flag: Remembering the Contribution of an Irish Lady 110 Years Ago ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Sekhar Chakrabarti The Ancient Symbol of Swastika: Its Distortion, Uses and Misuses ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Sekhar Chakrabarti Variant of a political party’s flag doubling as the national flag: confusions and controversies ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Pierre Charrié Drapeaux et etendards sous le regne de Philippe V d’apres le tableau de Anna Beek [Flags and standards under the reign of Felipe V, according to the painting of Anna Beek] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Pierre Charrié Les drapeaux des regiments suisses au service des Pays Bas pendant la Campagne de Flandre 1745-1747 [Flags of Swiss regiments in the service of the Netherlands during the Flanders campaign 1745-1747] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Pierre Charrié Le tableau des trophees conquis par les Hollandais de Anna Beek 1713 [The painting of the trophies conquered by the Dutch, by Anna Beek 1713] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Ernesto Chiappa Le bandiere e le uniformi del reggimento “La Marina” nel sec. XVIII [The flags and uniforms of the “La Marina” regiment in the 18th century] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
David Chkheidze The flags of contemporary Georgia ICV 27 (London, 2017)
José María Codón Fernández La actual bandera espanola proyectada por el Almirante Valdés, síntesis de las banderas de los reinos espanoles [The current Spanish flag, designed by Almirante Valdés; a synthesis of flags of the Spanish kingdoms] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Robert Common University Banners of Lord Grey (Flag Bulletin 174, p. 72) ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Patrice de La Condamine Flags of Constructed Languages ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Patrice de La Condamine Les Drapeaux des Langues Construites ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Patrice de La Condamine The Migration of the Emblems through the Example of the Cross of Burgundy ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Patrice de La Condamine Women and flags ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Grace Rogers Cooper Flags: Problems in conservation ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Avelino Víctor Couceiro Rodríguez Aquella bandera cubana… la original ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Avelino Víctor Couceiro Rodríguez Cuba y Puerto Rico: Dos banderas … de un pájaro las dos alas [Cuba and Puerto Rico: Two flags… the two wings of a bird ] ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Avelino Víctor Couceiro Rodríguez That Cuban Flag… The Original ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
William G. Crampton Civic Flags of the United Kingdom ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
William G. Crampton Drapeau chez les Anglais [“The Flag of the English”] Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
William G. Crampton Flags of the English Civil War ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
William G. Crampton Genera Vexillorum: The Philo-Genesis of Flags ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
William Crampton Jonathan Turmile’s Colour Book ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
William G. Crampton Marcus Garvey and the Rasta Colours ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
William G. Crampton The dynamics of flag evolution ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
William G. Crampton Theoretical Aspects of a Flag for Europe ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
William G. Crampton The Process of Creation and Decay in Vexillological Development ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
W. G. Crampton The Promotion and Acceptance of Political Symbols with Particular Reference to the German Flaggenstreit of 1926 ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Joan Crexell La Bandera d’Unió Catalanista [The Flag of the Catalan Union] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
James Croft Civic Flags of the Northwest Territories ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
James Croft Civic Flags of South Africa (Flag Bulletin 173, p. 7) ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
James Croft Vexillological research in South and East Africa ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
John L. Cross Flags of Mexico: An overview ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Edwin Crump Dreaming in Arcadia: Vexillological Relationships on Lord Howe Island ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Edwin Crump The Black Flag and Video Game Vexillology ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Dominique Cureau House Flags of French Shipping Companies ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Dominique Cureau Pavillons des compagnies maritimes françaises ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Silvio Curto Insegne e vessilli dell’antico Egitto e in Oriente [Insignia and banners of ancient Egypt and the Near East] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Paul Dechaix La Croix de St André en Vexillologie [The Cross of St. Andrew in Vexillology] ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Paul Dechaix La vexillologie Savoyarde des Gaulois Allobroges aux rois d’Italie [Savoyard vexillology from the Allobroges Gauls to the kings of Italy] ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Paul Dechaix St. George’s Cross and St. John’s Cross ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
J. G. Demes Vatikanstadtflags und Wimpel [Vatican City Flags and Pennants] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
James O’Hara Denny III The Flag of the Cincinnati ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
General Le Diberder Probleme pose par la Restauration de la Banniere dite “pavillon de dupleix” ou le prix des trous prestigieux [A problem posed by the restoration of the banner known as “dupleix pavilion”, or, the price of prestigious holes] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Harold Diceman Modern Canadian military flags ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Jonathan Dixon Flags of Australian Territories ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Dong Lin Twenty Principles for the National Flag Design ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
David Drake-Brockman Vexillology and Phaleristics ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Emil Dreyer Flags of the Canton of Vaud 1798–1848 ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Emil Dreyer Flags of the Pope’s Swiss Guard since 1798 ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Emil Dreyer History of the mail flags of the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, and the USA ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Emil Dreyer Military Flags of the Canton of Bern: A Concise History of Bernese Flags ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Emil Dreyer The Spanish Navy Flag Chart of 1854 ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Emil Dreyer The Sun Symbols in Flags, Part I ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Emil Dreyer The Sun Symbols in Flags, Part II ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Emil Dreyer The Sun Symbols in Flags, Part III ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Emil Dreyer The Sun Symbols in Flags, Part IV ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Steve Duke Red and Blue Ensign Schizophrenia ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
J. F. van Dulm Introduction to the History of the Signal-Flags in the Netherlands Navy Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
Adolfo Durán Las autonomias que no fueron. Una historia del irredentiso ibérico [The Autonomous Regions That Were Not: A Lost History of Iberia] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Adolfo Durán Rodríguez Las Banderas de Barcelona [The Flags of Barcelona] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Jan Oskar Engene A Lesser-Known Norwegian State Ensign ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Jan Oskar Engene Flags of the XX International Congress of Vexillology ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Jan Oskar Engene Four Forgotten Norwegian Ensigns ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Jan Oskar Engene Notes on the Flags of Danish Trading Companies, 1616–1843 ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Carlos Ferdinand de Espeso Flags in India ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Carlos Fernández Esposo Les bannieres de Leon [The Banners of León] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Arthur Etchells III Foreign Influences on the Development of Russian Military Flags ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
A. W. Etchells The development of military flags exemplified in the Thirty years’ war ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Arthur Etchells III The Flags of the Finnish Civil War 1918: A Vexillological Survey ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Arthur Etchells III The Swiss Guard of the Popes—Flags and Uniforms and Their Inter-relations: The Early Period 1506-1806 ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Petr Exner Der Vexillologe und sein PC [The Vexillologist and His Personal Computer] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Mario Fabretto Flags of Friuli-Venezia Giulia ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Michael A. Faul Flags of the Bayeux Tapestry ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1955)
Michael Faul Future Promotion of Vexillology ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Michael Faul The genesis of a colonial flag; Southern Rhodesia 1890-1937 ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Michael Faul Vexillology and the Future: Two Suggestions for Our Future Development ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Fei Xing Flag Display in Traditional Chinese Architecture ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Alessandro Ferrero From the Cross of Savoy to the Italian Tricolor: A Vexillological History of the Piedmontese Army ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
James J. Ferrigan, III The Evolution and Adoption of the Rainbow Flag in San Francisco ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
María Cristina Fernández La Bandera de la Provincia de Salta: La Historia, Le Geografía y La Cultura, Una Significativa Conjunción [The Flag of the Province of Salta: A Significant Conjunction of History, Geography, and Culture] ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Paolo E. Fiora Due stendardi. Una metodologia, un restauro [Two banners. A methodology, a restoration] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Cédric de Fougerolle Ex-libris and vexillology ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Deon Fourie Regimental Colours in South Africa: 1652-1994 ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Francisco Fuster Ruiz La bandera de La Mancha [The flag of La Mancha] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Anna M. Galan and Sebastá Herreros Els Simbols de la Transició Democràtica a Catalunya [Symbols of the Democratic Transition in Catalonia (Summary)] ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Robert Gauron Flags in National Anthems (Flag Bulletin 124, p. 24) ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Silvio Giberti Vexillology and Informatics ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Aníbal Gotelli Bases y propuestas para el progreso de la vexilologia y la organizacion de la comunidad vexilologia internaciona [Bases and Proposals for the Progress of Vexillology and the Organization of the International Vexillological Community] ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Aníbal Gotelli La Bandera Argentina: De Varsovia a Buenos Aires. 10 Anos Después [The Argentine Flag: From Warsaw to Buenos Aires, 10 Years Later] ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
G. de Graaf Flags over Liberia ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Atle Grahl-Madsen An International Standard for Flags
* Unpublished; please see related articles by this author in Flag Bulletin
ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Atle Grahl-Madsen Problems of flag terminology and standardisation ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Andriy Grechylo Contemporary Flags of the Ukrainian Regions: Old Traditions and New Designs ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Andriy Grechylo Modern Ukrainian Civic Vexillology ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Francisco Gregoric La bandera de la ciudad de Buenos Aires: Una historia de cuatro siglos ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Francisco Gregoric The Design of the Sun of the Argentine Flag (History—Legislation— Proposals) ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Francisco Gregoric The Flag of the City of Buenos Aires: Four Centuries of History ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Dale Grimes, Jr. Tattered Treasures: World War Two U.S. Navy Flags of Mare Island Naval Shipyard ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Scot M. Guenter Culture Wars, Divided Nation—Battles for Semiotic Control of the American Flag in the Twenty-first Century ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Scot M. Guenter Flag Tattoos: Markers of Class & Sexuality ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Scot M. Guenter Historical shifts and emergent paradigms: Tradition, ideology, sources of power and influence in flag studies ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Scot M. Guenter Introduction ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Scot M. Guenter Images of the Land Down Under Redux ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Scot M. Guenter Revitalized Flag Magic: Flag Retirement Rituals and the Power of Talismans ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Scot M. Guenter Royal, Aristocratic, and Ministerial Standards in Brunei Darussalam: Legacies of Istiadat in a Changing Society ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Scot M. Guenter Simulations: Flags, the Internet, and Emergent Technologies ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Scot M. Guenter The case of flagship earth: meditations on a global banner ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Scot M. Guenter The Hippies and the Hardhats: The Struggle for Semiotic Control of the Flag of the United States in the 1960s ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Scot M. Guenter The Rise and Fall of Worldface: Social Networking, Stereotyping, and the Power of Flags ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Pierre-Jean Guionin Album des pavillons nationaux et marques distinctives: From lithograph on paper to paperless digital ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Pierre-Jean Guionin L’Album des Pavillons: change nr 6 and near future ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Erwin Günther Wappen und Flaggen in Ostpreußen, seinen Kreisen und Kreisstädten – gestern und heute [Coats of Arms and Flags in East Prussia, Its Districts and District Towns—Yesterday and Today] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Klaus Günther Streifen, Wellen un Schneeflocken—neuartige Gestaltung von Kommunalflaggen in Rheinland-Pfalz [Stripes, Waves and Snowflakes—Novel Designs of Municipal Flags in Rhineland-Palatinate] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Norberto Gutierrez Spanish flags in the War of independence of the United States ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Dov Gutterman Sub-national Flags of Israel ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
John Hall History and Use of the Flag of Israel ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
V. A. van Ham The cross of Burgundy: A symbol through five ages ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Willem van Ham Farben und Flaggen Brabants [Colors and Flags of Brabant] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
W. A. van Ham Symbols from the ‘De Gortter’ Manuscript from Malines ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Gladys Hansen Flags of San Francisco ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Alan Hardy Yellow everyone: The standard colour set, a common ratio, contrast and individualities ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Heikki Harjalainen and Kari K. Laurla Finnish Scout Colors ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Roger Harmignies Les bannieres dans les Armoiries de la noblesse Belge contemporaine [Banners in the coats of arms of contemporary Belgian nobility] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Roger Harmignies Histoire du drapeau du Congo (De l’Etat indépendant a la République Démocratique) [“History of the flag of Congo (From the Free State to the Democratic Republic)] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Roger Harmignies & Michel Lupant Royal Pennants and Flags of Belgium ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Kevin Harrington A Sense of Flags in Northern Ireland after the Accord ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Kevin Harrington Approaches to Vexillological Research—Port Flags in Canada and Australia: A Case Study ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Kevin Harrington Filibusters and Flags ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Kevin Harrington Flag Development and Regional Parallelism: The Canadian Prairies and the Argentine Pampas ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Kevin Harrington Flag developments in Canada ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Kevin Harrington Flags and the anniversaries of 2017: Myths, mistakes, misconceptions ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Kevin Harrington Indian, Inuit, and Metis Flags of Canada ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Kevin Harrington Newfoundland’s Flag—The Union Jack and the Contenders ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Kevin Harrington Seven Cities in Search of a Flag [Toronto, Ontario] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Kevin Harrington Who Let the Bears on? An Essay in Urso-Vexillology ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
John M. Hartvigsen Utah’s Adoption of Two Legislative Measures Affecting the Utah State Flag ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Kenneth Hartvigsen Picturing Flag Violence in Civil War Sheet Music: The Case of “Down with the Traitors’ Serpent Flag” ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Donald T. Healy Design Motifs in the Flags of the Native Peoples of North America ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Donald T. Healy Flags of the Native American Peoples of the United States ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Don Healy Modern Flag Design Trends ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Donald T. Healy San Diego’s Indian Tribal Flags ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Donald T. Healy Tobacco & Tea, Chocolate & Chewing Gum: Vexillology and the Common Man Before the Study Existed ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Željko Heimer Ceremonial Flags of the Croatian Units of Local Government: A New Phenomenon Emerging from the People? ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Željko Heimer Historical origins of contemporary Croatian municipal flags ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Željko Heimer Military Flags of the Zagreb Units in the Croatian Armed Forces ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Željko Heimer National Identity in the Political Party Flags in Croatia ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Željko Heimer Ten Years of the Dictionary of Vexillology ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Željko Heimer The Croatian County Flags ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Željko Heimer The Flags of Zagreb ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Željko Heimer The Naval Flags on the Eastern Adriatic ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
David C. R. Heisser Child of the Sun Returning: State Arms and Seals of the Philippines ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Lee L. Herold Why Flags? Searching for an Essence of Flags ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Sebastia Herreros i Agüí Catalan Modernism and Vexillology ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Sebastia Herreros i Agüí La Bandera de La Ciudad de Barcelona 1991-2005 [The Flag of the City of Barcelona, 1991-2005], Part I ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Sebastia Herreros i Agüí La Bandera de La Ciudad de Barcelona 1991-2005 [The Flag of the City of Barcelona, 1991-2005], Part II ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Sebastia Herreros i Agüí Le “Vesió” de Bernat de So [The “Neighbor” of Bernat de So] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Sebastia Herreros i Agüí L’estendard de Sant Ot. Analisi historic [The Banner of Saint Ot: Historical Analysis] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Sebastia Herreros i Agüí The International Brigades in the Spanish War 1936–1939: Flags and Symbols ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Andreas Herzfeld Command Flags and Pennants of the Bundeswehr since 1956 ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Andreas Herzfeld Die Zukunft der Rimann’schen Autoflaggensammlung [The Future of the Rimann Car Flag Collection] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Andreas Herzfeld Flag Use in German Colonies ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Andreas Herzfeld Flaggen und Symbole der Leipziger Messe—500 Jahre Reichsmesse-privilig [Flags and Symbols of the Leipzig Trade Fair—500 Years of Imperial Trade Fair Privilege] ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Andreas Herzfeld Flags and Logos of International Sports Federations, Associations and Organizations ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Andreas Herzfeld National Symbols Under German Occupation During World War II: White Russia, North Caucasus and Greece ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Andreas Herzfeld Space Vexillology: Thirty Years After the First Moon Landing ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
A. Zach Hirsch Flags on postage stamps ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Ladislav Hnát The National Flag of Lusatian Sorbs ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Ladislav Hnát Party flags, colours and logos in the 8th European Parliament ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Daniel Hohrath Die Sammlung von Fahnen im Deutschen Historischen Museum in Berlin—gestern und heute [The Collection of Flags in the German Historical Museum in Berlin—Yesterday and Today] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Anders Holmquist Flag Art and Wind Sculptures ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Hans Horstmann Die Lehnsfahnen der deutschen Bischöfe und ihre Bedeutung für die Heraldik [The feudal flags of the German bishops and their meaning for heraldry] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Hans Horstmann Vor- un Frühgeschichte des europäischen Flaggenwesens (avec résumé, “Le période prévexillologique et la premiere période de l’histoire des pavillons in Europe”) [“The pre-vexillological period and the first period of the history of flags in Europe”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Aleksander Hribovšek Historical Errors Behind the Creation of the National Flag of Slovenia in 1848 ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Aleksander Hribovšek The new Association flag and the flags of the officers (Heraldry Society of Slovenia) ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Nicolas Hugot A journey through constitutional vexillology: A survey of the constitutions of member states of the United Nations ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Nicolas Hugot New Caledonia: A Preview of a Future in Suspension ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Hiroyuki Innami An Outline of Japanese Vexillology ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
José Izquierdo Mateos Las Banderas de Los Sitios de Ciudad Rodrigo [The Flags of the Neighborhoods of Ciudad Rodrigo] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Tadej Jakopič The 20th Anniversary under the Slovene Flag ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Sławomir Jakubczak Historia powstania flagi Miasta i Gminy Serock Flags of Serock City and County ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
A. Jansen TV-News Spots aux Drapeaux [Television News Segments about Flags] (see p. 128) ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Zygmunt Januszewski and Fred Schierenbeck Fahnen-Malerei—Kunst im Dialog [Flag painting—art in dialogue] ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Wolfgang G. Jilek Flags of Tonga ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Wolfgang Jilek Semiotic aspects and psychophysiolological effects of totalitarian symbols: Nazi and Communist flags ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Wolfgang G. Jilek Symbols in New Guinea—Tribal, Colonial, National, and Provincial ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Louise Jilek-Aall Sápmi, the Sami Nation and its Flag ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Graeme Johanson Speech, launching Vexillology: A 25th Anniversary History and a Bibliography of Flag Literature by Ralph G.C. and Charles E. Bartlett ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Albert J. Jónás Das Patriarchenkreuz von Byzanz bis zu der französischen Wideratandsbewegung [The Patriarchal Cross from Byzantium to the French Resistance movement] ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Albert J. Jónás Die Flaggen Ungarns [The Flags of Hungary] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
J. Jongeneel Official Greetings and Welcome ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Franz Jooste Flags of the Boers—A Very Old History ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Volker Junge Eine Flagge für Europa [A flag for Europe] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Volker Junge Standardization in Vexillology ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Walt F. Jurečić Die slowenische Vexillologie [Slovenian Vexillology] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Walt F. Jurecic The Flags of Southern Europe (not delivered at Congress) ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Franz Kaindl Das Standartenbild zur Zeit Maria Theresias [Images of standards at the time of Maria Theresa] ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Franz Kaindl Fahnenembleme, eine Konsequens aus der Beschaffenheit des Staatswappens [Emblems on flags, a consequence of the nature of state arms] ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Franz Kaindl The flag collection of the Military history museum of Vienna ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Nozomi Kariyasu Flags of Former Colonies & Overseas Territories of the Great Powers ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Nozomi Kariyasu Japanese Service Ensigns in International Trade Across the Pacific ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Nozomi Kariyasu The History of Taegeuk Flags [of South Korea] ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Nozomi Kariyasu Speech at the Opening Ceremony ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Tetsuo Kato The Development of the War Flags of Japanese Feudal Lords in the 12th to 16th Centuries ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Edward B. Kaye American city flag redesign: A welcome change ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Edward B. Kaye American Indian Flags and the Lewis & Clark Bicentennial ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Edward B. Kaye Encuesta del 2004: Banderas de Ciudades de Los Estados Unidos de América ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Edward B. Kaye Fiji’s New Flag: A Work in Progress ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Edward B. Kaye Flags over Antarctica ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Edward B. Kaye Redesigning the Oregon State Flag—A Case Study ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Edward B. Kaye The American City Flag Survey of 2004 ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Mason Kaye Maps on Flags ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Mason Kaye The Flags of Portland, Oregon (1916-2002) ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Mason Kaye Tribar Flags: A Survey and Analysis ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Ralph D. Kelly Australian State Flags (1865-1904): A British Admiralty Legacy ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Ralph D. Kelly Caudillos, Coups, Constitutions, and Changes: An Analysis of Flag Changes in Latin America ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Ralph D. Kelly Colonial Signal Flags of Port Jackson ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Ralph D. Kelly Dragons, Traditions, Emperors and Revolutions: An Overview of Flags and Flag Changes in Asia ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Ralph D. Kelly Filibuster: The Century-Long Australian Flag Debate ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Ralph D. Kelly A flag for the Empire ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Ralph D. Kelly Flags and the Australian Military ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Ralph D. Kelly Has the Australian Flag Debate Ended? ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Ralph D. Kelly Remembrance of War ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Ralph D. Kelly Southern Cross Down Under ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Ralph D. Kelly The Art of Flags ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
H. C. Kemp Flags of Nations on Picture Postcards ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
J. C. Kemp Flags on Postage Stamps ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
R. J. Kennedy and B . J. Seddon Designing a New Australian Flag: A Theory of Evolution and Reconciliation ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Barrie Kent Flag Signalling at Sea ICV 19 (York, 2001)
J. G. Kerkhoven Reconstruction and Restoration of Spanish and French Colours in the Dutch Army Museum at Leyden ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Robert Kidd State, County and City Flags of Michigan ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Peter Pavel Klasinc Die Fahne Sloweniens—einst, heute, morgen [The Flag of Slovenia—Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow] ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Roman Klimeš Flaggen Wappen und Siegel der französischen uberseeterritorien und departements [Flags, Arms, and Seals of French Overseas Territories and Departments] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Roman Klimeš Gibraltar: The Rock with its own Symbols ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Roman Klimeš Lesser-Known Flags and Coat of Arms: Symbols of the Island Groups of Scotland ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Roman Klimeš Symbols of Antarctica ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Roman Klimeš Symbols of Guam ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Roman Klimeš Symbols of the French Overseas Territory of Wallis and Futuna ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Roman Klimeš Symbols of the Panama Canal Zone ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Roman Klimeš The Cedar Tree—The Symbol of a Country ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Roman Klimeš The Czech Olympic Committee and its symbols in 1912 ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Roman Klimeš The Symbols of Macau ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Akira Kumagai Flags of Higher Schools in Imperial Japan (Kyusei Koto Gakko), 1894–1950 ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Carole Lager Le drapeau europeen: histoire et symbolisme [The European Flag: History and Symbolism] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Robert A. Laing Masonic Banners in South Africa ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Zev Landes Presentational Flagging and Political Change in the Middle East ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Harold D. Langley Some problems of flag research: A look at the origins and evolution of the Furlong-McCandless history of the United States flag ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Amy Langston The Truth in our Stars: The Symbolism behind their Use in Flags ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Thomas Le Bas Flagpost: A Place for New Zealanders to Reimagine Their Flag, Together ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Ventura Leblic Las banderas en Toledo y su provincia [Flags in Toledo and Its Province] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
D. van Leeuwen About Russian State Flags ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Thijs van Leeuwen and Tom Bokhout Vexillology in the Netherlands ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Marco A. R. Leutenegger Die Fahnensammiung des Kantonalen Museums Altes Zeughaus in Solothurn (The flag collection of the Cantonal Museum of the Old Arsenal in Solothurn / La collection des drapeaux du Musée Cantonal du Vieil Arsenal de Soleure) ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Dieter Linder The “Höhere Kommunalverbände” [higher associations of local governmental bodies] in Germany ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Paul Lindsay Vexillology and Social Media: A 35-year Retrospective from Snail Mail to Facebook ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
David Lister The Transition from Medieval to Modern Flags ICV 5 (London, 1973)
David Loades Tudor Flags ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Norman Logan Political Flags and Emblems of Scotland ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Norman Logan Saint Andrew’s Cross, the Scottish National Flag from 832 A.D. till Today ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Victor Lomantsov Flags and Banners of the Orenburg Cossack Army from the 18th Century to Modern Times ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Victor Lomantsov Flags of trade union sport societies in the USSR ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Michel R. Lupant Belgian Royal Flags since Independence ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Michel R. Lupant Departmental Flags of Hong Kong ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Michel R. Lupant Des Nouvelles Hebrides a Vanuatu. Une excursion vexillologique [From the New Hebrides to Vanuatu: A Vexillological Excursion] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Michel R. Lupant Drapeaux du Grand Serment Royal et Noble des Arbalétriers de Notre-Dame au Sablon [Flags of the Royal and Noble Guild of Archers of the Great Oath, of Notre-Dame au Sablon] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Michel R. Lupant Drapeaux et Armoiries de l’Etat du Koweit [Flags and Arms of the State of Kuwait] ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Michel Lupant Drapeaux royaux et militaires du Nepal [Royal and military flags of Nepal] ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Michel R. Lupant Emblems of the State of Katanga (1960–1963) ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Michel R. Lupant Flags in the Cook Islands ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Michel R. Lupant Flags over Bermuda ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Michel R. Lupant Flags over Bhutan ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Michel R. Lupant From the Trust Territory of the Pacific to the Federated States of Micronesia ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Michael Lupant Speech at the Opening Ceremony ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Michel R. Lupant South India, the Maldives and Sri Lanka: A Vexillological Trip ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Michel R. Lupant Trip around the World ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Julio Mario Luqui-Lagleyze and María Cristina D’Andrea La Bandera del Regimiento No 7 de Infantería “Libertos” 1813-1816 [The Flag of the 7th “Liberty” Infantry Regiment, 1813-1816] ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Pierre Lux-Wurm Les Drapeaux de l’Amérique Espanole [Flags of Spanish America] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
John Lyman Flags of rank, command, and dignity in the United States Navy 1777-1977 IOCV 7 (Washington, 1977)
John Lyman Maritime Law and Flag Usage ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Howard Michael Madaus The application of inductive research techniques to two vexillological challenges: The identification of the flag if the Sultanate of Sulu and the issuance of the distinctive variations of the first battle flags of the Confederate Army of the Potomac (Army of Northern Virginia) ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Howard Michael Madaus The Evolution of the Color Guard in the US Army
* Unpublished; no known copy
ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Christopher Maddish Colour coding and new vexillological avenues for flag design ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Christopher Maddish The Fraternal Flag Partners of Europe Major: A Meta-vexillological Classification & Study of Flags ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Christopher Maddish The Grand Harmonious Flag Symmetry of Japan: An Investigation in Uncanny Flag Similarities ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Christopher Maddish The Mysterious John Hewson–Martha Washington Flag ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Peter M. Mäder Einige neue Aspekte über Fahnen von Schweizer Regimentern in Österreichischen Diensten [Some new aspects of flags of Swiss regiments in Austrian service] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Peter M. Mäder Fahnen und ihre Symbole (Flags and their symbols) / Drapeaux et leurs symboles) ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
R. M. H. Magnee Monuments and Flags ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Jörg Majewski Die Kommunen in Deutschland und ihre Flaggen [German Municipalities and their Flags] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Jörg Majewski Local Flags in Schleswig-Holstein ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Terri Malgieri Tapestries of Colored Lights ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Alexandru Dan Mandru Moral Concepts Surrounding Flags—An Analysis ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Wolfram Mandry Kyffhäuser-Fahnen—Ein Relikt der Geschichte [Flags of the Kyffhäuser—A Relic of History] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Peter Mansfield Ballarat to Ballaarat ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Antonio Manzano Lahoz El Pendon y La Sena de Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “El Cid Campeador” [The Pennant and the Sign of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “El Cid the Champion”] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
James Marill St Blaise and Liberty: the Flags of Ragusa ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Javier Mariscal Mascota Oficial Olímpica Barcelona ’92 [Offical Olympic Mascot for Barcelona ’92] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Rosa Ma. Martín i Ros L’estendard de Sant Ot. Restauració [The Banner of Saint Ot: Restoration] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
David B. Martucci Technology to the Rescue! Maine’s First State Colours ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
David B. Martucci The Standards of the Manhattoes, Pavonia, and Hell-Gate ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Jaroslav Martykán A History of Ottoman Military Flags ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Jaroslav Martykán A History of Ottoman Naval Flags ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Jaroslav Martykán Decorative Motifs Used on the Ottoman Flag Finials ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Jaroslav Martykán Dr. Michael Meinecke’s Contributions to the Research on Muslim Vexillology ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Jaroslav Martykán Flags in Somalia—Somalia in Flags ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Günter Mattern Beitrag zur Heraldik und Vexillologie von Vorderösterreich [Article on the heraldry and vexillology of Upper Austria] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Günter Mattern Der Schwenkel ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Günter Mattern Die Farben Schwarz-Weiß als mindere Reichsfarben [The Colours Black and White as Lesser Imperial Colours] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Günter Mattern Flags of National Life-Boat Societies ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Günter Mattern Flags of Switzerland and its Cantons during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Günter Mattern Nachahmung des britischen Flaggensystems durch Nordseeamrainerstaaten [Imitation of the British flag system by rival states of the North Sea] ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Günter Mattern Ursprung der Landesfarben [Origin of the German national colors] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Tracey Mee Flagging Australia: Claims and Identity ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués Ensenas militares espanolas. El testimonio de los sellos [Spanish military schools: The testimony of the stamps] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Peter Merrington The 1910 Union of South Africa National Flag Competition ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Paul Chadbourne Miles “New Glory” and Other Flag Exhibitions at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
W. E. Milton & R. Y. Matsui Silk Screen Progress in Canada ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Emmet V. Mittlebeeler Stars in Vexillology and Heraldry (Flag Bulletin 100, p. 119) ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
John Moody Past Attempts to Change the New Zealand Flag ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Carlos Alberto Morales Ramirez Zoogeographic vexillology of North America: Exploring endemism in subnational flags ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Ray S. Morton Early American Naval Flags and Signals ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Louis Mühlemann Bannieres Médiévales et drapeaux militaires Suisses [Medieval Banners and Military Flags of Switzerland] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Louis Mühlemann Das Flaggenwesen in der schweizerischen Schiffahrt [The flag system in Swiss shipping] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Louis Mühlemann Geschischte und Politik im Spiegel der Staatschefsstandarten, avec résumé, L’histoire et la politique révélées par les étendards et pavillons des Chefs d’Etat [“History and politics seen through the standards and flags of heads of state”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Louis Mühlemann Les pavillons des mations maritimes au XVIIe siecle d’apres le manuscript de J. Moutton [The flags of maritime nations in the 17th century from the manuscript of J. Moutton] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Malcolm Mulholland A New Flag for New Zealand?—The Consideration Process ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg Five rings to bring them all: A presentation of the Olympic flags ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg On a Scale of 1 to 10 ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Jan Henrik Munksgaard Admiral Hesselberg’s Book of Flags—An Introduction ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Jan Henrik Munksgaard A New Flag for Norway 1814–1821 ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Jan Henrik Munksgaard Metal Vexilla on Viking Ships ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Jan Henrik Munksgaard National Danish-Norwegian flags 1600-1800 ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Jan Henrik Munksgaard The Lion Flag—Norway’s First National Flag ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Jan Henrik Munksgaard The Reformation Promoted the Dannebrog ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Art Néss Proano Gaibor Hidden History behind the Colorants of Banners ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Ottfried Neubecker Aufklärung der Herkunft eines bemalten Holzkastens aus dem 13. Jahrhundert im Kunstgewerbemuseum von Berlin mit Hilfe von Lanzenfähnchen [Clarification of the origin of a painted wooden box from the 13th century in the Museum of Applied Arts in Berlin with the help of lance flags] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Ottfried Neubecker Die Farben des Zeremonialteppichs auf dem Frankfurter Römerberg anläßlich der deutschen Kaiserkrönung [The flag of the ceremonial tapestry in Frankfurt’s Römerberg Square on the occasion of the German imperial coronation] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Ottfried Neubecker Flaggenwesen und Gesetzgebung [Flags and Legislation] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Ottfried Neubecker The Flags of Albania ICV 10 (Oxdford, 1983)
Ottfried Neubecker The impact of trade and shipping agreements on the usage of flags ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Valeria Nezgovorova Gift Banners of 1923 Party’s Anniversary Ceremonial and Symbolics ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Bruce Nicolls A Sense of Proportion ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Bruce Nicolls Britannia’s Banners—An Outline of the Development of British Naval Flags ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Bruce Nicolls Practical Aspects of Designing, Making, and Flying Flags ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Bruce Nicolls The Flags of the Mary Rose ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Bruce Nicolls The New Flag of Guernsey ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Bruce Nicolls The Talking Flags at Trafalgar ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Bruce Nicolls The Talking Flags from Trafalgar Onwards ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Andréa Nunes & Tiago José Berg Flags of the Touristic Cities in Sao Paulo State (Brazil) ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Léon Nyssen Les drapeaux nouveaux de la Belgique Federale [The New Flags of Federal Belgium] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Theun Okkerse The obverse-reverse paradox: Reading flags differs fundamentally from reading text ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Theun Okkerse Points of View: Aspects of Flags and Flag Design ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Martin J. O’Malley A Vexillological Analysis of the Colour Green (Flag Bulletin 94, p. 93) ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Martin J. O’Malley International patterns in vexillology: A statistical analysis of flags ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Peter Orenski Controversial Indian Symbols on U.S. State Flags ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Peter Orenski Vexilogorrhea—A Culturally Determined Amerikanische Flaggensünde [American Vexillological Sin] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Félix Ortiz Castrillo La bandera de Alicante [The Flag of Alicante] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Linda Osborne Flags on Silver Ingots ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Harry Oswald Cannery Flags: The British Columbia Salmon Canneries ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Cor Pama Flags of Nineteenth-Century Republics in South Africa ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Michael W. Panhorst Thumbling Waters Museum: Progress with a purpose ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Geoff Parsons British Maritime Flags Flown in Portsmouth Naval Base ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Geoff Parsons & Michael Faul British Royal Standards 1199–Present ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Georges Pasch Esquisse d’une Théorie Scientifique de l’Harmonie des Couleurs en Vexillologie [“Sketch of a Scientific Theory about the Harmony of Colors in Vexillology”] Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
Georges Pasch La Croix sur les Drapeaux [The Cross on Flags] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Georges Pasch Les drapeaux des cartes-portulans [“Flags from Portolan Charts”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Georges Pasch Les fonctions du drapeau et le développement de la conscience socio-politique [The functions of the flag and the development of socio-political awareness]
* Unpublished; no known copy
ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Georges Pasch Table de détermination des drapeaux. Détermination des sections [Flag determination table. Determination of sections] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
David Pawson Exovexillology ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Armand du Payrat L’Album des Pavillons ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Christian Fogd Pedersen The Greenland Flag ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Juan Manuel Pena and José Luis Alonso Bandera de Los Negros de La Época de Rosas [The Flag of the Blacks in the Rosas Era] ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Alberto Rubén Perazzo Origen de Nuestro Colors: Azul Celeste y Blanco [The Origin of Our Colors, Sky Blue and White] ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Rachel Phelan What’s up with the big green flag? The conservation of the flag of the Irish Republic ICV 27 (London, 2017)
David Phillips Proposed New Belgian Royal Standards ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Lucien Philippe Banners and flags if the army and navy of China in 1883 ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Lucien Philippe Flags of Political Parties and Movements in Madagascar from the Colonization until Independence ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Lucien Philippe Les anciens drapeaux de Madagascar [Former flags of Madagascar] ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Lucien Philippe Les drapeaux de quelques principautés hindoues [The flags of some Hindu principalities] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Lucien Phillippe Les emblemes de la France Libre et de la Resistance en France de 1940 a 1945 [The Emblems of Free France and the Resistance in France from 1940 to 1945] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Lucien Philippe The Flags of the Political Parties of Senegal ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Lucien Philippe  Les pavillons d’Appel a un pilote [Pilot appeal flags} ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Thomas Pinto The standard flag of America and the World’s Columbian Exposition ICV 7 (Washigton, 1977)
Magdalena Piwocka A Collection of Historic Flags at the Wawel Royal Castle, Cracow ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Anne M. Platoff Little Leninists: flags, symbols, and the political socialisation of Soviet children ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Anne M. Platoff A Shuttle Full of Flags: Use of Flags in the Space Shuttle Program ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Anne M. Platoff Six Flags over Luna: The Role of Flags in Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Anne M. Platoff and Steven A. Knowlton Old Flags, New Meanings ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Jos Poels The Orange Pennant: The Dutch Response to a Flag Dilemma ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Jos Poels Where the Gambia River gives life: A tribute to Gambia’s flag designer Louis Lucien Thomasi ICV 27 (London, 2017)
David Prando Argentinian Military Flags in Chile and Peru—Andean Battle Flags 1816–1824 ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
David Prando Las Antiguas Banderas Provinciales de la Argentina (1815-1888) [The Old Provincial Flags of Argentina, 1815-1888] ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
David Prando Red Dawn, Black Sunset: Victory or Death for Argentina (1958-1976) ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
David Prando The three flags of General Belgrano ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
W. H. J. Punt A History of the Flags of South-Africa ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
John M. Purcell Civic Flags of Ohio’s Smaller Cities ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
John M. Purcell The Centennial of Ohio’s Flag: From Obscurity to Esteem ICV 19 (York, 2001)
John M. Purcell U.S. Civic Flags in Conflict with the Courts ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
John M. Purcell Unusual City Flags of the United States of America ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Arnold Rabbow “A new constellation” – Wie sah das erste Sternenbanner aus? [What did the first Stars and Stripes look like?] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Arnold Rabbow A Vexillological Outlook on Colour Specifications.
Published as ‘Flag Color Specifications’, Flag Bulletin 20 (3): 95-104.
ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Arnold Rabbow Black, Red and Gold: The Genesis of Germany’s National Colours ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Arnold Rabbow Die erste niedersachsische Landesflagge [The First Flag of Lower Saxony State] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Arnold Rabbow Flaggenstreit um Berlin [Flag fight over Berlin] ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Arnold Rabbow Flags and ‘good causes’: A functional dilemma ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Arnold Rabbow Flags: Life After Death ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Arnold Rabbow Flag strike over Berlin: A follow-up ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Rob Raeside FOTW: The Ultimate Vexillological Encyclopedia or an Ephemeral Web Site? ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Rob Raeside Public Interest in Vexillology—Questions from the Public 1999–2006 ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Rob Raeside The development of the subnational flags of Canada ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Rob Raeside The Maritime Influence on the Municipal Flags of Atlantic Canada ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Philippe Rault Les Drapeaux Bretons [Breton Flags] ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Casimir de Rham A British flag in Schaffhausen Switzerland ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Casimir de Rham A New Flag for a 300-Year-Old Archery Society ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Casimir C. de Rahm Drapeaux, Bonnets et Chapeaux [Flags, Bonnets, and Hats] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Casimir C. de Rahm Flags On a 200 Years Old Painted Tray ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Marcos Ramos Romero Una bandera para Andalucia [A flag for Andalucia] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Colin Randall An Olympian Flag Event ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Colin Randall Creating and Increasing Flag Awareness in the Community—A Case Study: The Flag Society of Australia in Newcastle, Australia ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Kambhampati Senjeeva Rao About the Genesis of the Indian National Flag ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Alain Raullet Following the Voice: The Eyes of Vexillology ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Alain Raullet Ireland: 1 Island, 2 Flag Trends ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Alain Raullet Pardon Banners in Brittany ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Alain Raullet The third way of raising flags in Brittany ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Alain Raullet The Voice of Vexillology ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Philippe Louis Rault Afrikaner Political Flags ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Philippe Louis Rault New Flags for an Ancient Country (Brittany/Bretagne/Breizh) [Bannielou nevez evit ur vro gozh] ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Philip Rendle Cornwall—the Mysteries of St. Piran ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Simone de Rham A Very Old and Very Modern Flag—The Swiss Cross ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Woody Ridgway Flags in Sports ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Jürgen Rimann Die Kommandozeichen der Bundeswehr und ihre Vorlaufer [The Symbols of Command of the German Army and Its Predecessors] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Jürgen Rimann Flaggen in Deutchland von 1945–1962 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Flaggenführung an Dienstkraftfachrzeugen [Flags in Germany 1945–1952—Especially Car Flags for Official Cars] ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Jürgen Rimann and Marcus E. V. Schmöger The Car-Flags of the Federal-Border-Guard ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Mark Risby Flags of Van Diemen’s Land: Murphy’s Flag Charts ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
J. H. Rombach Red Cross Flags and Emblems ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
J. H. Rombach and Klaes Sierksma Les drapeaux officiels aux Pays-Bas [The official flags of the Netherlands] ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Roberto Rossetti Emblemas regionales de Italia [Regional emblems of Italy] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Marcel C. van Rossum The Design and Registration of Flags in the South African Bureau of Heraldry ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
G. B. Rubin de Cervin Salvaging silk flags ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Helen Sadtler Flags of independence in the South ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
America Sanchez Imágen Gráfica del 14 Congreso Internacional de Vexilologia [Imagery of the 14th International Congress of Vexillology] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Manuel Vicente Sánchez Moltó Sobre el peculiar privilegio de usar pano en las fiestas públicas concedido en 1691 a la ciudad de Alcalá de Henares [On the unique privilege of using pano in the public festivals, granted to the town of Alcalá de Henares in 1691] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Fernando de
Sandoval y Coig
Arms of Charles I of Spain and V of Germany ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Ivan Sarajčić Flag Identifier—Flag Identifying Tool and Vexillological Database ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
María José Sastre y Arribas Banderas de La América Prehispánica: El Lienzo de Tlaxcala [Flags of Pre-Hispanic America: The Cloth Painting of Tlaxcala] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
María José Sastre y Arribas Cartografia Antigua y Vexilologia [Ancient Maps and Vexillology] ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
María José Sastre y Arribas Representacions vexilológicas en las Cantigas de Alfonso X el Sabio [Vexillological images in the Cantigas of Alfonso X the Wise] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
María José Sastre y Arribas The colours of Prince Charles and the vexillological ornamentation at his funeral ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
María José Sastre y Arribas Un Ejemplo de un lmportante Aspecto Vexilológico de la Documentación Española [An Important Vexillological Discovery in Ancient Spanish Documents (English summary by Ted Kaye)] ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
María José Sastre y Arribas Un Paraíso Entre Banderas: El Fresco del Muro Oeste de Qusayr ‘Amra [A Paradise Among Flags: The West Wall Fresco of Qusayr ‘Amra] ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
María José Sastre y Arribas Vexillological Ancient Japanese Books in the Library of the “Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid” ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Maria José Sastre y Arribas Vexillology in Ancient Hispano-Arabic Chronicles] ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
C. Gunnar U. Scheffer La Journée du Drapeau en Suede [“Swedish Flag Day”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
C. Gunnar U. Scheffer Le concours pour la création d’un symbol et d’un drapeau pour le Conseil Nordique [The competition for the creation of a symbol and a flag for the Nordic Council] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
C. Gunnar U. Scheffer Les Proportions du Drapeau Suedois [“The Proportions of the Swedish Flag”] Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
C. Gunnar U. Scheffer Nach Maß bestellte schwedische Kreuzflaggen um die Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts (avec résumé, Drapeux suedois avec la croix commandés sur mesure au milieu du XVIIe siecle) [“Custom-made Swedish cross flags from the middle of the seventeenth century”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Manuela Schmöger A wiki about municipal flags ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Manuela Schmöger Mapping Flag Usage in Munich, Germany ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Manuela Schmöger Orange as a Political Colour ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Marcus E. V. Schmöger Political Party Flags of San Marino ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Marcus E. V. Schmöger The Roman Vexillum ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Marcus E. V. Schmöger Vexillologie—ein linguisticher Ansatz [Vexillology—A Linguistic Approach] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Hugo Schneider Besichtigung des Ateliers für Konservierung und Restaurierung der Fahnen un Uniformen, mit Eine Neu Entdeckte Fane Eines Schweizerregiments in Holländischen Diensten; Visite de l’atelier de conservation et de restauration des drapeaux et uniformes, avec La Découverte du drapeu d’un Régiment Suisse au service de Hollande [“Visit to the workshop for conservation and restoration of colours and uniforms, with A Newly Discovered Flag of a Swiss Regiment in Service to Holland”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Hugo Schneider Résumé der Führung in der Waffenhalle des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums durch Dr. Hugo Schneider, avec Résumé des explications données par M. Hugo Schneider a l’occasion de la visite de la grande salle d’armes du Muse National Suisse [“Summary of the explanations given by Mr. Hugo Schneider on the occasion of the visit to the grand hall of weapons at the National Museum Switzerland”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Klaus-Michael Schneider Military Colours of Hamburg: Flags of the Armed Citizens from 1684 to 1817 ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Joost C. A. Schokkenbroek Nineteenth-Century Hand-Painted Dutch Ships Flags—A Case Study ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
J. H. Schuilenga Mailflags ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
J. H. Schuilenga The Van de Veldes ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
C. M. Schulten Les drapeaux et étendards militaires néerlandaises [Dutch military flags and banners] ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
A. Servais Les emblèmes des Forces armées belges [The emblems of the Belgian Armed Forces] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Władysław Serwatowski [Motywy polityczne i religijne na fladze Europy] The History of Political and Religious Symbols on the European Flag ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Władysław Serwatowski Was Antonio Gaudi i Cornet (1852-1926) a Vexillographer? ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Klaes Sierksma Allocution finale [“Closing Address”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Klaes Sierksma and Whitney Smith A l’ouverture du congres [At the opening of the congress] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Klaes Sierksma An exposition of old Indonesian flags ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Klaes Sierksma Ansprache als Antwort auf die Begrüßungsansprache von Stadtpräsident Dr. S. Widmer [“Address in response to the Welcome Address of Mayor Dr. Sigmund Widmer”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Klaes Sierksma A Tribute to Karl Fachinger ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Klaes Sierksma Bannistique et esthétique [“Flag Appreciation and Aesthetics”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Klaes Sierksma Empfang im Heimatmuseum von Rapperswil/SG, Dankesworte von Kl. Sierksma [“Reception at the museum of Rapperswil, canton of St. Gallen, Acknowledgements by Klaes Sierksma”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Klaes Sierksma Het Vlagge-Boeck van den Herr Paulus van der Dussen, Capitein [The Flag Book of Captain Paulus van der Dussen] ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Klaes Sierksma Les premieres traces de l’emploi des drapeaux dans la Frise médiévale [The first traces of the use of flags in medieval Friesland] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Klaes Sierksma Les sources neerlandaises pour M. A. le Gras et son “Album des pavillons” 1858 [Dutch sources for M. A. le Gras and his 1858 “Album des pavillons”] ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Klaes Sierksma Municipal flags in the Netherlands ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Klaes Sierksma Niederlänische Kriegsflaggen des 17. Jahrhunderts [Dutch War Flags of the Seventeenth Century] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Klaes Sierksma Pavillons at Armes des Villes Hanséatiques aux Pays-Bas [“Flags and Arms of Hanseatic Towns in the Netherlands”] Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
Klaes Sierksma Proposals for an International System of Flag Description ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Klaes Sierksma Supplement 2: Allocution de bienvenue par M. Klaes Sierksma le 16 Avril 1975 [Welcoming address by Mr. Klaes Sierksma on April 16, 1975] ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Klaes Sierksma Supplement 3: Introductory to the General Meeting of the FIAV by Mr. Klaes Sierksma, secretary-general for the congresses FIAV, and other addresses ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Klaes Sierksma Supplement 5: A speech of Mr. Klaes Sierksma, president of the Foundation for Banneristics and Heraldry, at Medemblik-castle ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Mrs. Berber J. Sierksma-Zeeff Am Festmahl im Zunfthaus zur Meisen (Samstag Abend, 2. September) gehaltene Ansprache, avec Annexe a l’allocution: décision du bureau de la “Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek” [“Speech on the occasion of the women’s feast at the Meisen Guild House (Saturday night, September 2), with an addition : the decision of the office of the Foundation for Flag Study and Heraldry”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Sabine Sille Auf den Spuren der Fahnen Freiburgs i. Ue. [In the Footsteps of the Flags of Freiburg] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Sabine Sille Fahnen der Basler Berufsverbände und Fachvereine des 19. Jahrhunderts [Flags of the Professional Associations and Societies of Basel in the 19th Century] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
F. J. Simons Production d’une Mappemonde aux Drapeaux [Production of a World Map with Flags] ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
K. V. Singh Ancient and Epic Flags of India ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Jacek Skorupski Flagi samorządowe w Polsce [Flags of Local Governments in Poland] ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Whitney Smith “One Nation Under God”: The Crusade to Capture the American Flag ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Whitney Smith 5000 Years of Persian Military Banners ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Whitney Smith An Introductory of Puerto Rican Flags ICV 1 (Muiderberg, 1965)
Whitney Smith Flag Abuse ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Whitney Smith Flagpoles ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Whitney Smith Flags of the American Revolution: An Overview ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Whitney Smith La Communauté and Its Symbols ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Whitney Smith Seminar: Flag Typology ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Whitney Smith The Next 25 Years of World Vexillology ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Whitney Smith The Christian Flag ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Whitney Smith The Ensignment of the Romani People ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Whitney Smith The flag in advertising ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Whitney Smith The Flags of Abemama ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Whitney Smith The Kanaga Symbol of Mali and the Dogon ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Whitney Smith The Principles of Vexillology ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Whitney Smith The Rainbow as a Flag Symbol (Flag Bulletin 125, p. 46) ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Whitney Smith The Real and the Ideal in Vexillology ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Whitney Smith The Symbols of Peace and Pacifism.
Published as: ‘Symbols and peace and pacifism: introduction’, Flag Bulletin 18 (6): 211-22; ‘Symbols of peace and pacifism: the dove, olive branch and white flag’, Flag Bulletin 20 (1): 11-22.
ICV 5 (London, 1973)
Whitney Smith The Union Mark ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Whitney Smith Vexillological manuscripts ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Frans Smits Dutch Orange Regimental Flags ICV 19 (York, 2001)
V. A. Sokolov Flag and Coat of Arms of the Armenian Republic ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Luis Sorando Muzás Banderas de los Internacionales en la guerra civil espanola. Bando republicano, 1936-1939 [Flags of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War: Republican forces, 1936-1939] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Luis Sorando Muzás Trofeos Tomados por Los Espanoles al Ejército Imperial Francés durante la Guerra de Independencia (1808-1814) [Trophies Taken by the Spanish from the French Imperial Army During the War of Independence] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
D. Ralph Spence An outline history of Canada’s flag ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Gwen Spicer Display and Storage of Historical Collections: A Holistic Approach ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Gwen Spicer & Alexandra Deutsch The Treatment of the 4th Regiment U.S.C.T. Civil War Flag ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Gunnar Staack Projekt eines vexillologischen Informationssystems [A Vexillological Information System Project] ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Gunnar Staack Vexillology & Computers ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Lars C. Stolt Marcia Vexillum—Vexillology and Military Marches ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Ronald C. Strachan Australia’s Icon Flag Pole, Canberra, A.C.T. ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Ronald C. Strachan Be Seen To Sell ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Ronald C. Strachan The Flags of the North ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Adrian Strickland Flag Finials: Are They of Interest to Vexillologists? ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Adrian Strickland The Vexillological Heritage of the Knights of Saint John in Malta ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Günter Strumpf Bären mit und ohne Krone—Die Berliner Stadtflagge 1861 bis heute [Bears with and without a Crown—the Berlin City Flag from 1861 to the Present Day] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Attila István Szekeres The evolution of the Szekler flag in the last four centuries ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Miru Takano Flags of Hokkaido Charged with the Shining Polar Star—The Colonization Office and Hokkaido Municipalities ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Hendel Teicher and Georges-Andre Althaus Art at the Service of Industry ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Jiří Tenora Die Staatsflagge der Republic Marij El [The State Flag of the Republic of Mari El] ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Jiří Tenora Le Cabinet des Drapeaux: Berlin [The Cabinet of Flags in Berlin] ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Jiří Tenora Les Drapeaux de service et les cocardes des forces aériennes des armées de l’ancien Traité de Varsovie [Service flags and cockades of the air forces of the armies of the former Warsaw Treaty] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Jiří Tenora Les drapeaux et les armoiries des arrondissements de Berlin-Est apres 1989 [The flags and coats of arms of the districts of East Berlin after 1989] ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Jiří Tenora Les Symboles Vexillologiques Tcheques et Tchechoslovaques au cours des Périodes de Transition [Czech and Czechoslovak Vexillological Symbols during Periods of Transition] ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
Jiří Tenora The colours in vexillological documentation ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Jiří Tenora Time to Cut the Umbilicus Between Heraldry and Vexillology ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Thai Vexillological Society History of the Thai flag ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Mike Thomas Flags by Design: Identifying Flags by Pattern and Colour ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss Discoveries Made while Preserving the Star-Spangled Banner ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Barbara Tomlinson Chivalry at the Poles: British Sledge Flags ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Barbara Tomlinson Flags at the Battle of the Glorious First of June 1794 ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Barbara Tomlinson The Virtual Battle: Flags in Georgian Marine Paintings ICV 20 (Stockholm, 2003)
Barbara Tomlinson Using and extending the flag collection at Royal Museums Greenwich ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Barbara Tomlinson Yachting flags of the British Isles: Emulating the Navy ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Jan Toorians Mittelalterliches Fahnenschwenken im 20.Jahrhundert [“Medieval Flag-Waving in the 20th Century”] Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
Marta Topinska Banner Motifs in Old Graphic Art ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Marta Topinska, Tadeusz Krząstek, Dariusz Radziwillowicz 48 nowych sztandarów Jednostek Wojska Polskiego w 1994 [48 new banners of Polish army units in 1994] ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
José Tormo Colomina The Senyera: A Flag That Made History ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Leif Törnquist The national Swedish collection of trophies ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Lawrence Phelps Tower Flag Desecration in the United States ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Gustavo Tracchia Chart: “Flags in Argentina” ICV 19 (York, 2001)
Gustavo Tracchia The Flag of the Andes: Argentina, 1817–1820 ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Gustavo Tracchia The flag of the Argentine Confederation (1831-1853) ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Gustavo Tracchia The Rainbow Flag of the Incas ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Gustavo Tracchia The Sun of May (Argentina 1810-1818) ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Josep Ma. Trias Folch The Symbols of XXV Olympic Games, Barcelona ’92 ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Eva Turek A Colour from Lwów, Connected with Polish History ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Auguste Vachon Flags of Canada ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Pascal Vagnat History of the Flags of Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Pascal Vagnat Le drapeaux régionaux en France: histoire, utilisation, légalité et identités / Regional flags in France: History, Use, Legality and Identities ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Szabolcs de Vajay Le drapeau en tant que meuble héraldique dans les armoiries hongroises [“Flags as heraldic devices in Hungarian arms”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
John Christian Vaughan Flags of Australia ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Gerd Vehres Bundesstaaten—eine vexillologische Studie am Beispeil Deutschland [Federal States—a Vexillological Study with Germany as an Example] ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
George Vilinbakhov The flag collection of the Hermitage ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
René de Vries Keynote speech: Showing the Flag ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Robert Watt The Flag of Nunavut: Public Process and Cultural Considerations ICV 18 (Victoria, 1999)
H. Wescher Flags ICV 7 (Washington, 1977)
Marcel van Westerhoven Expressions of Regional Identity in the Netherlands Through Flags ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Marcel van Westerhoven Flags of Princely States in the Dutch East Indies ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Marcel van Westerhoven Local Flags Under Siege—Decline of a Centuries Old Tradition in the Netherlands? ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Marcel van Westerhoven Polder board flags: Requiem for a dream ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Marcel van Westerhoven Translating Coats of Arms and Emblems into Flags ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Sigmund Widmer Begrüßungsansprache des Stadtpräsidenten von Zürich [“Welcome Address from the Mayor of the City of Zurich”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Joseph Wiget & Erwin Horat Die Fahnensammiung im Bundesbriefmuseum in Schwyz (Banners and flags in the Archives of Federal Charters in Schwyz / La collection des drapeaux dans les Archives des Chartes Fédérales de Schwytz) ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Timothy Wilson Some manuscripts of flag interest in the Pepys library, Magdalene College, Cambridge ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Paul Warming A Surprising Vexillological Discovery Made through the Study of Heraldry ICV 10 (Oxford, 1983)
Xing Fei The Study of Vexillology in China ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Rafael Alberto Yates Sosa Uso de Las Banderas en La Antigua Mesoamérica [The Use of Flags in Ancient Mesoamerica] ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Stan Zamyatin County flags of Ireland ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Stan Zamyatin Flagscapes—A Natural Approach to Vexillology ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Ulrich Zeiler Legal Stipulations concerning the Flags of the Free-State Saxony after its new Foundation in 1990 ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Zhao Xinfeng The flags of Genghis Khan ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Zhao Xinfeng Initial Study of Chinese Flag Culture ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Zhao Xinfeng Protocols for Flag Raising at Medal Ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games 2008 ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Aldo Ziggioto Die Fahnen der politischen Parteien Italiens [The flags of Italian political parties] ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Aldo Ziggioto Gli antichi libri di bandiere della Biblioteca Reale e dell’Archivio di Stato di Tornio [The ancient flag books of the Royal Library and the State Archives of Tornio] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Aldo Ziggioto Le Bandiere della Cronaca del Sercambi (seconda meta sec. XIV) [The Flags of the Sercambi Chronicle, Second Half of the Fourteenth Century] ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Aldo Ziggioto Torino, il suo simboto e le sue bandiere [Turin: Its symbols and its flags] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Uroš Žižmund Two flags, two proposals: A new system of national and rank flags of Slovenia ICV 27 (London, 2017)
Alfred Znamierowski Characteristics of US Civic Flags (Flag Bulletin 173, p. 23) ICV 9 (Ottawa, 1981)
Alfred Znamierowski The Errors and Omissions in the Flagenbuch Reprint ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
About the Earth Flag Center ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Adoption of New FSA Flag ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
After the 16th International Congress for Vexillology in Warsaw: Personal views and opinions addressed to Wladyslaw Serwatowski ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Appendix Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
Back cover ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Back matter ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Back matter ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Canberra—Capital Flags, Australian War Memorial and Annex, Parliament House, Flag Display at Lake Burley Griffin ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
CD-ROM covers ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Closing Dinner and Awards ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Colophon ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Companion Tours—Opera House, Sunset Harbour Cruise, Northern Beaches, National Gallery of Australia, and Taronga Zoo ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Congress Event: The Vexillon ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Cronica [Chronicle] ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Designs on an Australian Flag—A Melbourne Workshop ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Drapeau (et pavillon) de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Vexillologie [“Flag (and Banner) of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Earth Flag Exhibition, July 3, 1995 ICV 16 (Warsaw, 1995)
Exhibitions and Events—Registration, State Library of New South Wales, Burrows Flag Displays, Observatory Hill, Flags of the World meeting and Australian National Flag Day ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
FIAV General Assembly ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Fondation de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Vexillologie (FIAV) [“Establishment of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Front Matter ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Front Matter Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
Front Matter ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Front Matter ICV 6 (IJsselmer, 1975)
Front Matter ICV 8 (Vienna, 1979)
Front Matter ICV 11 (Madrid, 1985)
Front Matter ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Front Matter ICV 14 (Barcelona, 1991)
Front Matter ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Front Matter ICV 16 (Warshaw, 1995)
Front Matter ICV 17 (Cape Town, 1997)
Front Matter ICV 20 (Stockhom, 2003)
Front Matter ICV 21 (Buenos Aires, 2005)
Front Matter ICV 22 (Berlin, 2007)
Front Matter ICV 23 (Yokohama, 2009)
Front Matter ICV 24 (Alexandria, 2011)
Front Matter ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Front Matter, continued ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Group Photo of Participants ICV 19 (York, 2001)
International Federation of Vexillological Associations—Protocol of the General Assembly, 25 and 27 September 1989, with Proposal of the FIAV Board: Constitution of the International Federation of  Vexillological Associations ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
L’étendard de l’Accademica di s. Marciano [The standard of the Academy of San Marciano] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
Le drapeau de la Société Suisse de Vexillologie [“The Banner of the Swiss Society of Vexillology”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Le drapeau du IIe Congres International de Vexillologie [“The Flag of the 2nd International Congress of Vexillology”] ICV 2 (Zurich, 1967)
Le drapeau du IVe Congres International de Vexillologie [The flag of the 4th International Congress of Vexillology] ICV 4 (Turin, 1971)
List of Participants (Delegates and Companions) and Sponsors ICV 26 (Sydney, 2015)
Official Program ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Opening Speeches Rencontre des amis européens de la bannistique (Temse, 1969)
Participants ICV 25 (Rotterdam, 2013)
Report on the FIAV General Assembly ICV 15 (Zurich, 1993)
Seminar: Colour Communication (reported by William G. Crampton) ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Seminar: Emerging Trends in Flag Design in the Pacific Century ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
Seminar: Vexillological Classification and Terminology (reported by Dr. Scot M. Guenter) ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Seminar: Vexillological Theory (reported by Dr. Whitney Smith) ICV 12 (San Francisco, 1987)
Supplement 1: Program and Participants ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Supplement 4: Allocution de bienvenue a la Frise par le Bourgenmestre de Lemsterlân [Welcoming address to Friesland by the Mayor of Lemsterlân], and other addresses ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)
Technical Challenges Facing Flag Designers and Manufacturers (including Flag Graphics by Computer Program; and The Place of Colour Codes in Flagcraft) ICV 13 (Melbourne, 1989)
The flags of the Salvation Army ICV 6 (Ijsselmeer, 1975)