15th International Congress of Vexillology — Zürich, Switzerland, 1993

ICV15 Zurich 199315th International Congress of Vexillology — Zürich, Switzerland



Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Fahnen- und Flaggenkunde (SSV) Société Suisse de Vexillologie Società Svizzera di VessillologiaOrganized by Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Fahnen-und Flaggenkunde / Société Suisse  de Vexillologie / Societa Svizzera di Vessillologia on 23–27 August 1993



ICV15 ProceedingsThe proceedings were published as Fahnen=Flags=Drapeaux: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Vexillology (Zürich: Swiss Society of Vexillology, 1999)

Author Paper
Front Matter
Report on the FIAV General Assembly
Peter M. Mäder Fahnen und ihre Symbole (Flags and their symbols / Drapeaux et leurs symboles)
Joseph Wiget & Erwin Horat Die Fahnensammiung im Bundesbriefmuseum in Schwyz (Banners and flags in the Archives of Federal Charters in Schwyz / La collection des drapeaux dans les Archives des Chartes Fédérales de Schwytz)
Joseph Brulisauer Die Fahnensammiung des Historischen Museums Luzern (The flag collection of the Historical Museum in Lucerne / La collection des drapeaux du Musee d’Histoire de Lucerne)
Marco A. R. Leutenegger Die Fahnensammiung des Kantonalen Museums Altes Zeughaus in Solothurn (The flag collection of the Cantonal Museum of the Old Arsenal in Solothurn / La collection des drapeaux du Musée Cantonal du Vieil Arsenal de Soleure)
Franz Bachtiger Notizen zur Fahnensammiung im Historischen Museum Bern (The flag collection of the Historical Museum of Berne / La collection des drapeaux du Musée d’Histoire de Berne)
Zdenko Alexy Slovak civic flags and banners
Bruce Berry The flags of the British South Africa Company 1890-1923
Alfredo Betocchi Buddhist symbolism in Siamese flags
Thilo Biegler Flaggenführung der Schiffe und Boote der deutschen Kriegsmarine nach der Kapitulation 1945 [Flags of the Ships and Boats of the Germany Navy After the Surrender in 1945]
Frederick Brownell The flags of the Diggers’ Republic
Aleš Brožek A new country, old symbols: flags and arms of the Czech Republic
Pierre Charrié Les drapeaux des regiments suisses au service des Pays Bas pendant la Campagne de Flandre 1745-1747 [Flags of Swiss regiments in the service of the Netherlands during the Flanders campaign 1745-1747]
William G. Crampton The dynamics of flag evolution
Paul Dechaix St. George’s Cross and St. John’s Cross
Emil Dreyer History of the mail flags of the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, and the USA
Petr Exner Der Vexillologe und sein PC [The Vexillologist and His Personal Computer]
Michael Faul The genesis of a colonial flag; Southern Rhodesia 1890-1937
Carlos Fernández Espeso Les bannieres de Leon [The Banners of León]
Scot Guenter The case of flagship earth: meditations on a global banner
Kevin Harrington Flag developments in Canada
Wolfgang Jilek Semiotic aspects and psychophysiolological effects of totalitarian symbols: Nazi and Communist flags
Walt F. Jurečić Die slowenische Vexillologie [Slovenian Vexillology]
Roman Klimeš Symbols of the Panama Canal Zone
Carole Lager Le drapeau europeen: histoire et symbolisme [The European Flag: History and Symbolism]
Michel Lupant Drapeaux du Grand Serment Royal et Noble des Arbalétriers de Notre-Dame au Sablon [Flags of the Royal and Noble Guild of Archers of the Great Oath, of Notre-Dame au Sablon]
Günter Mattern Der Schwenkel
Jan Munksgaard National Danish-Norwegian flags 1600-1800
Léon Nyssen Les drapeaux nouveaux de la Belgique Federale [The New Flags of Federal Belgium]
David Prando The three flags of General Belgrano
Arnold Rabbow Die erste niedersachsische Landesflagge [The First Flag of Lower Saxony State]
Jürgen Rimann Die Kommandozeichen der Bundeswehr und ihre Vorlaufer [The Symbols of Command of the German Army and Its Predecessors]
María-José Sastre y Arribas The colours of Prince Charles and the vexillological ornamentation at his funeral
Sabine Sille Auf den Spuren der Fahnen Freiburgs i. Ue. [In the Footsteps of the Flags of Freiburg]
Whitney Smith Vexillological manuscripts
Gunnar Staack Projekt eines vexillologischen Informationssystems [A Vexillological Information System Project]
Jiři Tenora The colours in vexillological documentation
Barbara Tomlinson Yachting flags of the British Isles: Emulating the Navy
Leif Törnquist The national Swedish collection of trophies
Gustavo Tracchia The flag of the Argentine Confederation (1831-1853)
George Vilinbakhov The flag collection of the Hermitage

Last Updated on June 12, 2023