FIAV publishes a newsletter, Info-FIAV (ISSN 1560-9979 print), that is a chronicle of internal organizational matters such as the FIAV Constitution, a list of FIAV Members, and the minutes of FIAV General Assembly sessions.
Issue | Date | Contents | Page(s) |
Info-FIAV-60 | October 2024 | Minutes of GA 28 Current FIAV Members In memoriam |
1 11 29 |
Info-FIAV-59 | May 2024 | Forthcoming dates to note Agenda for the GA 28 GA Member Credentials Candidates for Membership In memoriam |
1 2 3 4 4 |
Info-FIAV-58 | January 2024 | Forthcoming dates to note ICV 30 Preliminary Details In memoriam |
1 2 6 |
Info-FIAV-57 | August 2023 | Countdown to ICV30 In Memoriam |
2 4 |
Info-FIAV-56 | March 2023 | Minutes of GA 27 Current FIAV Members In Memoriam |
1 12 30 |
Info-FIAV-55 | May 2022 | Dates to Note GA 27 Agenda Member Credentials Candidates for membership Rules of Order FIAV Board FIAV Members FIAV Constitution In Memoriam |
1 2-3 3 4-21 21 22 22-42 42-48 48 |
Info-FIAV 54 | October 2021 | ICV 29 Update Forthcoming dates to note Message from the FIAV President Website Updates FIAV Anniversaries In Memoriam FIAV Orders of Ceremony for ICVs A Guide to Organising an ICV |
1 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 |
Info-FIAV 53 | March 2021 | ICV 29 Update | 2 |
Info-FIAV 52 | December 2020 | ICV 29 Update Message from the FIAV President Forthcoming dates to note |
2 3 3 |
Info-FIAV 51 | June 2020 | ICV29 update Forthcoming dates to note Membership Application Instructions Eighth Laurate of FIAV – Tracey Mee FIAV flag & Gavel In Memoriam FIAV Board Actions FIAV President Report-back Member Anniversaries World Vexillology Day Membership Directory Update Thanks to the previous editor |
1 2 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 |
Info-FIAV 50 | December 2019 | GA 26 Minutes Awards and Honors Outgoing FIAV Board GA 26 Credentials In Memoriam New FIAV Board Publication of Minutes Presidency Permanent Secretariat of FIAV Permanent Secretariat of ICVs Member Admissions Current Members by Date of Establishment Current Members by Territory Upcoming Dates Officers Awards and Honors ICVs CORs GAs Standard Abbreviations Members Former Members Constitution GA Attendance GA Delegates FIAV People Index Whatever Happened to the Original 1967 FIAV Flag? The Last Word(s) FIAV Boards Info-FIAV |
1-9 9-11 11 12-58 59 59 60-61 61 61 61 62 63 64-65 65 66-67 67-70 71-72 73 73 73-75 76-95 96-99 100-105 106-113 114-126 127-135 136-139 139-141 139-140 140 |
Info-FIAV 49 | July 2019 | Board Recommendation on Membership Applications The Gavel CONAVEX Membership Application GA Voting Majorities GA Rules of Order Description of Vexillon Award Whitney Smith: Origins of Organized Vexillology FIAV Board |
1 2-3 4-6 6-7 7-9 10 10-13 14 |
Info-FIAV 48 | July 2019 | All Good Things… (Board Update) FIAV Member Update VRCC Membership Application FIAV Board |
1 2 2-3, 5-20 4 |
Info-FIAV 47 | June 2019 | GA 26 Agenda Correspondence FIAV Board FIAV Members FIAV Former Members |
1-2 2-3 4 5-21 22-25 |
Info-FIAV 46 | June 2019 | MHS Resignation and Membership Application In Memoriam FIAV Board Publication of Minutes Member Admissions Current Members by Date of Establishment Current Members by Territory Presidency Permanent Secretariat of FIAV Permanent Secretariat of ICVs Officers Awards and Honors ICVs CORs GAs Standard Abbreviations GA Attendance GA Delegates ICV 1 Historical Material |
1–2 2 3 4 5 6 7–8 8 8 8 9–10 10–13 14–15 16 16 17–18 19–26 27–39 40–51 |
Info-FIAV 45 | May 2019 | Laureate of the Federation Željko Heimer Response from Dr. Heimer In Memoriam Public Memorial Service for Whitney Smith (Boston) FIAV Board Publication of Minutes What Happened in Zurich in 1967? Documents Related to ICV 2 |
1 2 3 3-5 6 7-8 8 9-28 |
Info-FIAV 44 | January 2019 | GA 25 Minutes GA 25 Minutes Appendix FIAV Board Correspondence Upcoming Dates GA 25 Credentials |
1-18 19-25 26 27 27 28-74 |
Info-FIAV 43 | May 2017 | GA 25 Agenda Comments to GA 25 Agenda In Memoriam SVN Resignation HS Letter re ICV 29 FIAV Board FIAV Board Proposal (Constitutional amendments) WVRI Proposal (Constitutional amendments) FIAV Commission Proposal (Flag Information Code) FRC Proposal (World Vexillology Day) NAVA Proposal (Best Paper Award) SAVA Proposal (Best Paper Award) GA Voting Majorities GA Rules of Order Upcoming Dates |
1-2 2-3 4 4 4 5 6-15 16 17 17 17 18 19-20 20-22 22 |
Info-FIAV 42 | January 2017 | Whitney Smith+ In Memoriam Correspondence from Whitney Smith to Charles Spain Re ICV Origins Info-FIAV 30th Anniversary Current Members by Date of Establishment Upcoming Dates FIAV Board FIAV People Index SSV Golden Anniversary |
1-3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7-13 5, 13 |
Info-FIAV 41 | March 2016 | Laureate of the Federation Frederick Brownell Response from Dr. Brownell In Memoriam FIAV Board Current Members by Territory Correspondence Members Former Members Constitution Flag Information Code Upcoming Dates |
1-2 2 3 3 4-5 5 6-23 24-26 27-31 32-33 34 |
Info-FIAV 40 | February 2016 | GA 24 Minutes FIAV Board Board Actions Publication of Minutes Upcoming Dates Presidency Member Admissions Current Members by Date of Establishment Permanent Secretariat of FIAV Permanent Secretariat of ICVs Officers Awards and Honors ICVs CORs GAs Standard Abbreviations GA Attendance GA Delegates GA 24 Credentials |
1-11 11 12 13-14 14 14 15 16 16 16 17-18 18-20 21-22 23 23 24-25 26-33 34-46 47-89 |
Info-FIAV 39 | July 2015 | GA 24 Agenda Comments to GA 24 Agenda FIAV Board Board Action FRC Status In Memoriam GA Voting Majorities GA Rules of Order Publication of Minutes Membership Candidate Upcoming Dates Permanent Secretariat of FIAV Member Admissions Member Establishment Officers Awards ICVs GAs Members Former Members Constitution Flag Information Code Standard Abbreviations GA Attendance GA Delegates Lupant Letter re Whitney Smith |
1-2 2-3 3 4 4 4 5-6 6-8 9-10 10 10 10 11 12 13-14 14-16 17-18 18 19-39 40-41 42-47 47-48 49-50 51-58 59-72 73-75 |
Info-FIAV 38 | July 2015 | GA 23 Minutes Appendix to GA 23 Minutes Board Responses to ICV 26 Questions FIAV Board |
1-7 8 9-10 10 |
Info-FIAV 37 | July 2015 | GA 24 Applications for Membership Member Candidate Board Recommendation on Membership Application Info-FIAV ISSN Upcoming Dates FIAV Board AFS application |
1 2 2 5 6 7 7 8 |
Info-FIAV 36 | July 2013 | Comments to GA Agenda Revised Member Candidate Information FIAV Board |
1-3 4 4 |
Info-FIAV 35 | July 2013 | GA 23 Agenda Member Candidates Board Action FIAV Board GA Voting Majorities GA Rules of Order Members Constitution Standard Abbreviations Upcoming Dates |
1-2 3-4 5 5 6-7 7-9 10-30 31-36 37-39 39 |
Info-FIAV 34 | June 2013 | GA 23 Member Candidates In Memoriam. Board Action FIAV Board ICV 27 Organizer Bid ICV 28 Organizer Bid Upcoming Dates |
1 2-11 11 12 12 13-14 15-17 17 |
Info-FIAV 33 | May 2012 | Fifty Years of Vexillology The Next 25 Years of Vexillology In Memoriam Board Actions FIAV Board Publication of Minutes Member Admissions Member Establishment Officers Awards ICVs GAs Members Member Candidates Former Members Constitution. Flag Information Code Standard Abbreviations GA Attendance GA Delegates Upcoming Dates Permanent Secretariat of FIAV |
1-2 2-5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10-11 11-13 14-15 15 16-34 34 35-36 37-41 42-43 44-45 46-53 54-67 68 68 |
Info-FIAV 32 | September 2011 | GA 22 Minutes ICV 25 Flag ICV 26 Flag Member Candidates GA Voting Majorities In Memoriam FIAV Board Officers Awards Board Actions ICVs GAs Members Publication of Minutes Former Members Membership Admissions Constitution Flag Information Code Standard Abbreviations GA Attendance Upcoming Dates Permanent Secretariat of FIAV |
1-7 8 9 10 11-12 12 12 13-14 14-16 16 17 18 19-37 37 38-39 40 41-45 46-47 48-49 50-57 58 58 |
Info-FIAV 31 | July 2011 | GA 22 Agenda FIAV Board Comments to the GA Agenda GA Rules of Order Member Candidates Members Standard Abbreviations Upcoming Dates |
1-2 2 3-4 5-7 7-8 8-25 26-27 27 |
Info-FIAV 30 | June 2011 | GA 22 Recognition of Members and Individuals at ICV 24 FIAV Board Member Candidates Permanent Secretariat Officers Awards Upcoming Dates ICVs GAs. Members. Publication of Minutes Former Members Membership Admissions Constitution. Flag Information Code Standard Abbreviations GA Attendance |
1 2-4 2 5-10 10 11-12 12-14 14 15 16 17-34 35 36-37 38 39-43 44-45 46-47 48-55 |
Info-FIAV 29 | August 2010 | ICV 24 In Memoriam FIAV Board Officers Awards ICVs GAs. Publication of Congress Proceedings Pending Members. Publication of Minutes Former Members Membership Admissions Constitution Flag Information Code Standard Abbreviations GA Attendance Upcoming Dates Join FIAV on Facebook |
1-2 2 2 3-4 4-5 6 7 7 8-25 26 27-28 29 30-34 35-36 37-38 39-46 47 48 |
Info-FIAV 28 | October 2009 | GA 21 Minutes FIAV Board Officers Awards In Memoriam ICVs GAs Congress Proceedings Pending Members Publication of Minutes Former Members Membership Admissions Constitution Flag Information Code Standard Abbreviations Upcoming Dates |
1-11 11 12-13 13-14 14 15 16 16 17-34 35 36-37 38 39-43 44-45 46-47 48 |
Info-FIAV 27 | July 2009 | Comments to the GA Agenda In Memoriam |
1-5 5 |
Info-FIAV 26 | March 2009 | GA 21 Agenda Member Candidates Officers HGZD’s Proposed Constitutional Amendment AVS’s Proposal Members Upcoming Dates (including updated ICV 23 information) GA Attendance Standard Abbreviations |
1-2 3 3 4 4 5-22 22 23-26 27-28 |
Info-FIAV 25 | January 2009 | ICV 23 FIAV Board Meeting Officers In Memoriam CSVA Resignation Status of Unpublished Congress Proceedings Member Candidates Members Upcoming Dates |
1 2 2 3 3 4 5-6 7-24 24 |
Info-FIAV 24 | October 2007 | GA 20 Minutes ICV 23 Flag Officers FDC’s Resignation Letter In Memoriam Awards ICVs GAs Members Minutes Former Members Membership Admissions Constitution Flag Information Code Standard Abbreviations GA Attendance Upcoming Dates Info-FIAV’s 20th Anniversary |
1-9 10 11-12 12 12 13-14 15 16 17-33 33 34-35 36 37-41 42-43 44-45 46-49 50 50 |
Info-FIAV 23 | August 2007 | General Assembly Minutes GA 12 Minutes |
1 2-13 |
Info-FIAV 22 | July 2007 | GA 20 Agenda Candidates for Membership Officers FIAV Board Proposal AVS Proposal FSA Proposal SAVA’s Proposal In Memoriam GA 19 Minutes ICV 21 Flag Purcell Letter ICV 23 Awarded to JAVA Officers Awards SGHAPG Flag ICVs GAs Members Former Members Membership Admissions Constitution Flag Information Code Standard Abbreviations GA Attendance |
1-4 5-9 8 10-11 12 12 12-15 15 16-21 22 23 24 25-26 26-27 27 28 29 30-46 47-49 49 50-54 54-56 56-57 58-61 |
Info-FIAV 21 | July 2005 | GA 19 Agenda Current Officers GA 18 Minutes Candidates for Membership ICV 20 Proceedings (2003) for Sale Statement Concerning Death of Lucien Philippe ICV 22 (2007) Information Correspondence Concerning FIAV Naming Scot Guenter as Laureate “Marcia Vexillum” Officers Awards ICVs GA Sessions Members Former Members Membership Admissions Constitution Flag Information Code |
1-4 4 5-11 12-18 19 19 19 20 21-32 33-34 35 36 37 38-53 54-55 56 57-61 62-63 |
Info-FIAV 20 | June 2003 | ICV 21 Host Needed GA 18 Agenda Comments on GA Agenda Candidates for Membership FHF ARV RCVH SVI Resignation of USFF RIP: Derkwillem Visser, Jr FIAV Officers |
1 1-2 2-4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12 12 |
Info-FIAV 19 | August 2001 | GA 17 Minutes Current Officers Officers Awards ICVs GA Sessions Members Former Members Membership Admissions Constitution Flag Information Code Congress Proceedings (1991, 1997, and 1999) for Sale FIAV Flag Missing ICV 20 |
1-13 1 13-14 15 16 16 17-32 32-33 34 34-39 39-40 41 41 42 |
Info-FIAV 18 | July 2001 | Board Members Letters Membership Candidates Summary of Membership Applications Member Updates Constitution (French) GA Minutes GA 11 (1989) |
1 2 2-5 6 7 7-11 11-24 12-24 |
Info-FIAV 17 | April 2001 | GA 17 Agenda Board Members Comments to Agenda Letters Membership Candidates Board Proposals Member Updates GA Minutes GA 9 (1985) GA 10 (1987) |
1-3 1 3-5 5-7 7-9 9-14 14-16 17-47 17-28 29-47 |
Info-FIAV 16 | February 2001 | GA Agenda Notice Board Members ICV 19 Information ICV 19 Application Membership Candidates VDCN SVO CSVA HCEHS SGHAPG FOTW VAST Member Update GA Minutes GA 4 (1975) GA 5 (1977) GA 6 (1979) GA 7 (1981) GA 8 (1983) |
1 1 2 3 4-14 4-5 5-6 7-8 8-9 9-11 11-12 12-14 14 15-50 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-34 35-50 |
Info-FIAV 15 | November 2000 | Application Deadline Board Members Award Nominations President Visits Sri Lanka Membership Candidates Letters GA 17 (1999) Minutes Vexillon and Laureates of the Federation Officers Awards ICVs GA Sessions Members Former Members Constitution Flag Information Code |
1 1 2 2 3-4 5-6 7-26 26 27-28 28 29 29 30-43 43-44 45-49 49-50 |
Info-FIAV 14 | July 1999 | 30 Years of FIAV Revision to General Assembly Agenda Board Members Revision to Comments to Agenda GA Minutes ICV1 (1965) ICV2 (1967) GA 1 (1969) GA 2 (1971) GA 3 (1973) Members Constitution (German) |
1 1 1 2 3-25 3 4-10 11-21 22-23 24-25 26 26-30 |
Info-FIAV 13 | June 1999 | Laureates to Be Named Board Members Revision to General Assembly Agenda Revisions to Comments to Agenda Revisions to FIAV Board’s Proposals DGF’s Proposal Members Constitution (French) |
1 2 2 2 3 3-5 5 6-9 |
Info-FIAV 12 | April 1999 | ICV 18 ICV 18 Flag Board Members General Assembly Agenda Comments to Agenda Candidates for Membership FIAV Board’s Proposals FRC’ s Proposal WVRI’s Proposals History of FIAV Flag Officers Awards ICVs GA Sessions Members Former Members Constitution (French) |
1 2 2 3-4 4-6 6-7 7-13 14-15 15-18 19 20-21 21 22 22 23-35 36-37 37-40 |
Info-FIAV 11 | February 1999 | 30th Anniversary Actions by FIAV Board ICV 18 Officers Awards General Assembly Agenda Notice Meetings Members Former Members Statutes & Constitution Flag Information Code |
1 1 2-3 4-5 5 5 6 7-17 17-19 19-22 23-24 |
Info-FIAV 10 | May 1998 | XVII. International Congress of Vexillology, Cape Town, 1997 XVIII. International Congress of Vexillology, Victoria, 1999 FIAV Officers (1997-1999) Report on the FIAV General Assembly 1997 Current Members of FIAV (1998) |
1 1 1 2-21 22-26 |
Info-FIAV 9 | June 1997 | † Dr. William George Crampton, (May 5, 1936 – June 4, 1997) | 1-2 |
Info-FIAV 8 | May 1997 | XVII. International Congress of Vexillology, Cape Town, 1997 FIAV Officers (1995-1997) Agenda for the FIAV General Assembly, Cape Town, August 10-15, 1997 Anexes to the Agenda Contitution (English) Contitution (French) Current Members of FIAV (1997) FIAV Symbols for Colour and Colour Shades Proportions National Flag Typology |
1 1 2-5 5-18 19-21 21-23 24-27 28 28 28 |
Info-FIAV 7 | November 1996 | XVI. International Congress of Vexillology, Warshaw, 1995 XVII. International Congress of Vexillology, Cape Town, 1997 FIAV Officers (1995-1997) Report on the FIAV General Assembly 1995 Anexes to the Report Current Members of FIAV (1996) |
1 1 1 2-25 26-28 29-32 |
Info-FIAV 6 | March 1995 | XVI. International Congress of Vexillology, Warshaw, 1995 FIAV Officers (1993-1995) Agenda for the FIAV General Assembly, Warshaw, Juyl 1-5, 1995 Current Members of FIAV (1995) Past FIAV Members International Vexillological Congresses 1965-93 Addenda to the Agenda Constitution (English) Contitution (French) |
1 1 2-8 9-11 11 11 12-31 32-36 37-41 |
Info-FIAV 5 | May 1994 | XV. International Congress of Vexillology, Zurich, 1993 XVI. International Congress of Vexillology, Warshaw, 1995 FIAV Officers (1993-1995) Current Members of FIAV (1995) Past FIAV Members International Vexillological Congresses 1965-93 Questionnaire No. 2, May 1994 – blank – Report of the FIAV General Assembly (Zurich, 1993) |
1 1 1 2-4 4 4 5 6 7-11 |
Info-FIAV 4 | May 1993 | 15th International COngress of Vexillology, Zurich FIAV Officers Current Members of FIAV (1992-1993) Member Applicants Questionnaire Agenda for the FIAV General Assembly, Zurich, 23-27 August 1993 Form Suggested for Credentials of Delegate UNESCO Relations avec les organizations internationales non gouvernementales Contitution of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations Constitution de la Fédération Internationale d’Associations de Vexillologie FIAV |
1 1 2 3-4 5-6 7 8 9-14 15-19 20-24 |
Info-FIAV 3 | May 1991 | 14th International COngress of Vexillology FIAV Officers Member Applicants Current Members Constitution of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations |
1 1 1-2 2-3 4-8 |
Info-FIAV 2 | August 1987 | 1987 General Assembly (Summary of Actions) 1989 General Assembly (Announcement) FIAV News |
1 2 3 |
Info-FIAV 1 | May 1987 | Editorial 1987 General Assembly (Announcement) FIAV Board Notes (inc. Decisions) FIAV Statutes (Announcement) |
1 1 2 3 |
Info-FIAV is published by the Permanent Secretariat of FIAV and has been edited by the following Secretaries-General:
Editor | Period | Issues |
Whitney Smith+ LF, FF | May 1987 to May 1991 | 1-3 |
Emil Dreyer FF | May 1993 to May 1998 | 4–10 |
Charles A. Spain FF | February 1999 to December 2019 | 11–50 |
Bruce B. Berry FF | since June 2020 | 51-current |
Last Updated on October 7, 2024