4th International Congress of Vexillology — Turin, Italy 1971

ICV4 Turin 19714th International Congress of Vexillology — Turin, Italy 1971



Accademia di San Marciano, Sezione Vessillologica (ASM)Organized by the Accademia di San Mariano on 24 – 27 June 1971.




ICV04-00CoverThe proceedings were published as IVe Congrès international de vexillologie, Torino, 24-27 juin 1971 : recueil / organisé par l’Accademia di San Marciano, Torino [Vexilla italica : Numero speciale 1975] (Turin : Centro Italiano di studi Vessillologici, 1975) edited by Aldo Ziggioto et al.


Author Paper
Front Matter
L’étendard de l’Accademica di s. Marciano [The standard of the Academy of San Marciano]
Le drapeau du IVe Congrès International de Vexillologie [The flag of the 4th International Congress of Vexillology]
Front Matter, continued
Aldo Ziggioto Gli antichi libri di bandiere della Biblioteca Reale e dell’Archivio di Stato di Tornio [The ancient flag books of the Royal Library and the State Archives of Tornio]
Silvio Curto Insegne e vessilli dell’antico Egitto e in Oriente [Insignia and banners of ancient Egypt and the Near East]
Whitney Smith The flag in advertising
C. Gunnar U. Scheffer Le concours pour la création d’un symbol et d’un drapeau pour le Conseil Nordique [The competition for the creation of a symbol and a flag for the Nordic Council]
Günter Mattern Ursprung der Landesfarben [Origin of the German national colors]
Ernesto Chiappa Le bandiere e le uniformi del reggimento “La Marina” nel sec. XVIII [The flags and uniforms of the “La Marina” regiment in the 18th century]
Klaes Sierksma Les premières traces de l’emploi des drapeaux dans la Frise médiévale [The first traces of the use of flags in medieval Friesland]
Aldo Ziggioto Torino, il suo simboto e le sue bandiere [Turin: Its symbols and its flags]
H. C. Kemp Flags of Nations on Picture Postcards
Lucien Philippe Les drapeaux de quelques principautés hindoues [The flags of some Hindu principalities]
William G. Crampton Civic Flags of the United Kingdom
Paolo E. Fiora Due stendardi. Una metodologia, un restauro [Two banners. A methodology, a restoration]
Georges Pasch Table de détermination des drapeaux. Détermination des sections [Flag determination table. Determination of sections]
Hans Horstmann Die Lehnsfahnen der deutschen Bischöfe und ihre Bedeutung für die Heraldik [The feudal flags of the German bishops and their meaning for heraldry]
Louis Mühlemann Les pavillons des mations maritimes au XVIIe siècle d’après le manuscript de J. Moutton [The flags of maritime nations in the 17th century from the manuscript of J. Moutton]
Ottfried Neubecker Aufklärung der Herkunft eines bemalten Holzkastens aus dem 13. Jahrhundert im Kunstgewerbemuseum von Berlin mit Hilfe von Lanzenfähnchen [Clarification of the origin of a painted wooden box from the 13th century in the Museum of Applied Arts in Berlin with the help of lance flags]
Back matter

Last Updated on June 9, 2023