11th International Congress of Vexillology — Madrid, Spain, 1985

11th International Congress of Vexillology — Madrid, Spain



Organized by Sociedad Española de Vexilología on 26–31 May 1985




ICV11 Madrid CoverThe proceedings were published as Comunicaciones al XI Congreso Internacional de Vexilología (Barcelona: Sociedad Española de Vexilología, 1987).



Author Paper
Front Matter
José María Codón Fernández La actual bandera espanola proyectada por el Almirante Valdés, síntesis de las banderas de los reinos espanoles [The current Spanish flag, designed by Almirante Valdés; a synthesis of flags of the Spanish kingdoms]
Bruce Nicolls The Flags of the Mary Rose
Marcos Ramos Romero Una bandera para Andalucia [A flag for Andalucia]
Roberto Rossetti Emblemas regionales de Italia [Regional emblems of Italy]
Ralph G. Bartlett Province of Bumbunga: Study of a Self-Proclaimed Independent State within Australia
María José Sastre i Arribas Representacions vexilológicas en las Cantigas de Alfonso X el Sabio [Vexillological images in the Cantigas of Alfonso X the Wise]
Manuel Vicente Sánchez Moltó Sobre el peculiar privilegio de usar pano en las fiestas públicas concedido en 1691 a la ciudad de Alcalá de Henares [On the unique privilege of using pano in the public festivals, granted to the town of Alcalá de Henares in 1691]
David C. R. Heisser Child of the Sun Returning: State Arms and Seals of the Philippines
Günter Mattern Flags of National Life-Boat Societies
Dan Cernovodeanu Les drapeaux royaux de Roumanie et les pavillons de la marine militaire de ce pays au XX-e siecle [The royal flags and naval flags of Romania in the twentieth century]
Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués Ensenas militares espanolas. El testimonio de los sellos [Spanish military schools: The testimony of the stamps]
Pierre Charrie Drapeaux et etendards sous le regne de Philippe V d’apres le tableau de Anna Beek [Flags and standards under the reign of Felipe V, according to the painting of Anna Beek]
Luis Sorando Muzás Banderas de los Internacionales en la guerra civil espanola. Bando republicano, 1936-1939 [Flags of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War: Republican forces, 1936-1939]
Andrzej Bebłowski Some Less Known Aspects of History of Ensigns of Polish Sea Going Vessels 1863-1919
José Bernal Cisuela Villamartin (Cádiz), sintesis monográfica [Villamartin, Cádiz: Monographic summary]
Francisco Fuster Ruiz La bandera de La Mancha [The flag of La Mancha]
Ventura Leblic Las banderas en Toledo y su provincia [Flags in Toledo and Its Province]
Roman Klimeš Flaggen Wappen und Siegel der französischen uberseeterritorien und departements [Flags, Arms, and Seals of French Overseas Territories and Departments]
Whitney Smith The Kanaga Symbol of Mali and the Dogon
José Tormo Colomina The Senyera: A Flag That Made History
Teodoro Amerlinck y Zirión Escudos de las entidades federativas de México [Arms of the Mexican States]
Kevin Harrington Seven Cities in Search of a Flag [Toronto, Ontario]
John M. Purcell Unusual City Flags of the United States of America
Lucien Phillipe [sc. Philippe] Les emblemes de la France Libre et de la Resistance en France de 1940 a 1945 [The Emblems of Free France and the Resistance in France from 1940 to 1945]
Adolfo Durán Las autonomias que no fueron. Una historia del irredentiso ibérico [The Autonomous Regions That Were Not: A Lost History of Iberia]
Norman Logan Saint Andrew’s Cross, the Scottish National Flag from 832 A.D. till Today
Alfonso de Ceballos-Escalera y Gila Los estandartes de los caudillos hugonotes en la batalia de Jarnac, el 13 de marzo de 1569 [Standards of the Huguenot Leaders in the Battle of Jarnac, March 13, 1569]
Aleš Brožek Municipal Flags in Bohemia
Frederick Gordon Brownell Historic Flags of South Africa
William G. Crampton Theoretical Aspects of a Flag for Europe
Christian Fogd Pedersen The Greenland Flag
Bruce Nicolls The New Flag of Guernsey
Félix Ortiz Castrillo La bandera de Alicante [The Flag of Alicante]
Sebastián Herreros Agüi Le “Vesió” de Bernat de So [The “Neighbor” of Bernat de So]
Cronica [Chronicle]

Last Updated on June 12, 2023