A Laureate of the Federation, established in 1969, is named by the FIAV Board for making an outstanding, original contribution to the science of vexillology. This is the highest recognition in vexillology for scholarship. Beginning in 2003, the Board has chosen Laureates based on doctoral-level scholarship, and in 2017 the FIAV Constitution was amended to incorporate the Board’s practice into the Constitution. A Laureate receives a certificate signed by the Board and a medal bearing the central knot device of the FIAV flag suspended from a neck ribband of blue and yellow, the colors of the FIAV flag, as well as a miniature ribbon and a lapel pin. A Laureate may use the post-nominal LF. A Laureate is named only when there is a worthy recipient. |
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Recipient |
Contribution |
Date |
11 |
Anne M. Platoff
“Symbols in service to the state : the role of flags and other symbols in the civil religion of the Soviet Union” Ph.D. thesis, University of Leicester, 2021
July 15, 2022 |
10 |
Jovan Jonovski
“Сонцето и лавот како симболи во хералдиката и вексилологијата на Македонија” Ph.D. thesis, University “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, 2018
July 15, 2022 |
9 |
Patrice de la Condamine
“La recherche des identites des peuples de l’ex-URSS a travers leurs drapeaux” Ph.D. thesis, Universite d’Artois, 2006
July 15, 2022 |
8 |
Tracey Mee
“Australian National Identity: Somewhere Between the Flags?” Ph.D. thesis, Humanities and Social Inquiry, University of Wollongong, 2018
July 19, 2019 |
7 |
Željko Heimer
“Identitet Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske iskazan zastavama vojnih postrojbi u Domovinskom ratu i nakon njega” Ph.D. thesis, Sociology, University of Zagreb, 2013
August 11, 2017 |
6 |
Frederick G. Brownell+
“Convergence and Unification: The National Flag of South Africa (1994) in Historical Perspective” D.Phil. thesis, History, University of Pretoria, 2015
September 4, 2015 |
5 |
Scot M. Guenter
“The American Flag, 1777-1924: Cultural Shifts from Creation to Codification” Ph.D. dissertation, American Studies, University of Maryland, 1986
July 29, 2003 |
4 |
William G. Crampton+
“Flags as Non-Verbal Symbols in the Management of National Identity” Ph.D. thesis, Economic and Social Studies, University of Manchester, 1995
August 2, 1999 |
3 |
Ottfried Neubecker+
“Das deutsche Wappen 1806–1871″ Ph.D. thesis, Berlin, 1931
August 2, 1999 |
2 |
Whitney Smith+
“Prolegomena to the Study of Political Symbolism” Ph.D. dissertation, Political Science, Boston University, 1968
July 5, 1991 |
1 |
Edward Murray Conrad Barraclough+
nondoctoral work
September 28, 1983 |
Last Updated on July 14, 2023