* Representatives of the members are encouraged to provide timely updates to the data presented here.
Asociación Argentina de Vexilología (AAV) c/o Alberto Rubén Perazzo 25 de Mayo 276 PB Dpto. 4 1824 LANÚS OESTE Pcia. de Buenos Aires Argentina |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Lic. Prof. Alberto Rubén Perazzo, FF Honorary President and Founder of AAV |
Secretary/Other: | Francisco Gregoric, editor |
Secretary/Other: | Mario Paulise, secretary |
Telephone: | +54 11 4241 0975 (Alberto Rubén Perazzo) |
E-mail: | asociacionargentinadevexilologia@yahoo.com.ar (Francisco Gregoric) |
Website: | none |
Established: | February 16, 1988 |
Member Since: | August 23, 1993 (number 33) |
Territory: | Argentina |
Periodical Publication: | Estandarte (Spanish; since 1991) |
Associació Catalana de Vexil·lología (ACV) c/o Anna-María Galán i Pla C/ Minería 17, 3r, 9a 08038 BARCELONA Spain |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Anna-María Galán i Pla, president |
Secretary/Other: | Sebastiá Herreros i Agüí, secretary-general |
Telephone: | +34 3 33 23 898 (Anna-María Galán i Pla) |
E-mail: | info@vexicat.org |
Website: | http://www.vexi.cat |
Established: | September 26, 1981 |
Member Since: | May 28, 1985 (number 22) |
Territory: | Spain: Catalonia |
Periodical Publication: | Vexil·la Catalana (Catalan; since 1985) |
Bandiere Storiche (BS) c/o Flavio Livio Marchetto Piazza Martiri della Liberta, 4 20021 BOLLATE (MILANO) Italy |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Flavio Livio Marchetto, president |
Secretary/Other: | none |
Telephone: | +39 347 892 0754 |
E-mail: | info@bandierestoriche.it |
Website: | http://www.bandierestoriche.it |
Established: | April 14, 2008 |
Member Since: | August 6, 2013 (number 70) |
Territory: | Italy |
Periodical Publication: | none |
Българско хералдическо и вексилоложко общество (BHVS) Bulgarian Heraldry and Vexillology Society Stoyan Antonov Faculty of Philosophy and History “Paisiy Hilendarski” Plovdiv University 24, Tsar Assen St. PLOVDIV 4000 Bulgaria |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Stoyan Antonov, chairman |
Secretary/Other: | Aleksandar Aleksiev, secretary |
Telephone: | +359 885 643930 |
E-mail: | bgherald@gmail.com |
Website: | http://heraldika-bg.org |
Established: | December 14, 2004; March 18, 2005 (legal registration) |
Member Since: | August 6, 2013 (number 68) |
Territory: | Bulgaria |
Periodical Publication: | Herold (ISSN 1313-4809; Bulgarian and English; annual; since 2008) |
The Burgee Data Archives (BDA) | |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | none |
Secretary/Other: | none |
Telephone: | none |
E-mail: | none |
Website: | none |
Established: | October 31, 1978 |
Member Since: | August 14, 1997 (number 47) |
Territory: | Canada |
Periodical Publication: | The Private Signal (English; irregular; since 1996 January) |
Notes: | changed name on August 31, 1993 from Canadian Flag Institute; founder Peter Edwards died on July 15, 2019 |
The Canadian Flag Association (CFA) L’Association canadienne de vexillologie 1515-730 Dovercourt Rd. TORONTO ON M6H 2W9 Canada |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Kevin Harrington+, president emeritus |
Secretary/Other: | Linda J. Dean, secretary |
Telephone: | +1 519 307 1515 (Kevin Harrington) |
E-mail: | cfa.acv@gmail.com |
Website: | none |
Established: | February 6, 1985 |
Member Since: | August 23, 1993 (number 30) |
Territory: | Canada |
Periodical Publications: | Flagscan (ISSN 0833-1510; English/French; quarterly; 1986 to ?) Supplements: Banderín (ISSN 1492-8256; English; 1999 to ?) Band.It (ISSN ?; English; ? to ?) Dragonflags (ISSN 1492-840X; English; 1999 to ?) Ensign & Jack (ISSN 1492-8477; English; 1998 to ?) Flag City (ISSN 1492-837X; English; 1998 to ?) Flagnaut (ISSN 1492-8396; English; 1998 to ?) Flagguru (ISSN ?; English; ? to ?) FlagsAm (ISSN 1492-8388; English; 1998 to ?) Heraldo (ISSN ?; English; ? to ?) Ifulegi (ISSN 1492-823X; English; 1998 to ?) Pavillonnerie (ISSN 1492-8248; French; 1998 to ?) |
Centre Belgo-Européen d’Études des Drapeaux (CEBED) c/o Michel R. Lupant Clos de la Pasture 6 1340 OTTIGNIES-LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE Belgium |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Michel R. Lupant, director |
Secretary/Other: | none |
Telephone: | +32 10 41 43 85 (Michel R. Lupant) |
E-mail: | cebedr@gmail.com |
Website: | none |
Established: | April 1, 1990 |
Member Since: | August 23, 1993 (number 31) |
Territory: | Belgium |
Periodical Publication: | Gaceta de Banderas (Spanish/French/English; eight times a year; since 1979 (in collaboration with Sociedad Espanola de Vexilología)) |
Centro Italiano Studi Vessillologici (CISV) c/o Pier Paolo Lugli Via Del Domenichino, 77 41124 MODENA Italy |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Pier Paolo Lugli, president |
Secretary/Other: | Marco Mecacci, secretary/treasurer |
Telephone: | +39 388 357 6806 (Pier Paolo Lugli) |
E-mail: | presidenza@cisv.it |
Website: | http://www.cisv.it |
Established: | 1972 |
Member Since: | September 14, 1973 (number 14) |
Territory: | Italy |
Periodical Publications: | Vexilla Italica (Italian; since 1974) Vexilla Notizie (Italian; since 2002) |
Česká vexilologická společnost z. s. (CVS) Ing. Petr Holas Psárská 1347/1 Praha 4 – Michle 141 00 Czechia |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Petr Holas, president |
Secretary/Other: | Kryštof Huk, secretary |
Telephone: | none |
E-mail: | vexilologie@centrum.cz |
Website: | http://www.vexilologie.cz |
Established: | January 29, 1972 |
Member Since: | August 23, 1993 (number 29) |
Territory: | Czechia (Czech Republic) |
Periodical Publications: | Vexilologie (ISSN 1211-2615; Czech (English translations of articles available); since 1972) Vexillological Letters (Czech; irregular 1976 to 1989) Vexilokontakt (Czech; irregular; since 1989 (in collaboration with Středisko vexilologických informací / Flag Data Centre)) Vexilokontakt – Special Issue (English; annually; since 1997 (in collaboration with Středisko vexilologických informací / Flag Data Centre)) Proceedings of the Czech National Congress on Vexillology (Czech; every four years; since 1996) (in collaboration with Středisko vexilologických informací / Flag Data Centre)) |
Notes: | recognized July 1, 1991 as “Honorary Affiliate”; changed name on April 2, 2005 from Vexilologický Klub (VK) |
Chesapeake Bay Flag Association (CBFA) c/o John A. Lowe 4909 Hampden Ln. #303 BETHESDA MD 20814-2920 USA |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | John A. Lowe, president |
Secretary/Other: | vacant |
Telephone: | +1 301 468 9202 (John A. Lowe) |
E-mail: | cbfamail@gmail.com |
Website: | http://cbfa.vexillology.info |
Established: | November 6, 1982 (informal), November 13, 1993 (formal) |
Member Since: | July 3, 1995 (number 38) |
Territory: | United States: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia |
Periodical Publication: | The Flagship (English; since 1993) |
Corporación Nacional de Vexilología de Chile (CONAVEX) Vargas Buston 1051 Department 1411 8930210 San Miguel SANTIAGO Chile |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Steffan Giadach Axt, president |
Secretary/Other: | Cristóbal Barra Cisterna, secretary |
Telephone: | +56 9942618084 |
E-mail: | conavexchile@gmail.com |
Website: | https://conavexcl.wordpress.com |
Established: | November 3, 2017 |
Member Since: | July 16, 2019 (number 73) |
Territory: | Chile |
Periodical Publications: | none |
Cumann Geinealais na hÉireann Teoranta (Brateolaíocht Éireann branch) (GSI) Genealogical Society of Ireland Limited (Vexillology Ireland branch) 11, Desmond Avenue DÚN LAOGHAIRE Co. Dublin Ireland |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Gerry Hayden, chairperson |
Secretary/Other: | Michael Merrigan, general secretary |
Other: | Stanislav Zamyatin, chief executive officer of Brateolaíocht Éireann branch / Vexillology Ireland |
Telephone | +353 1 284 2711 |
E-mail: | bratachaeire@gmail.com |
Websites: | www.familyhistory.ie and https://flagsireland.wordpress.com |
Established: | August 6, 2013 (number 71) |
Member Since: | May 28, 1985 (number 22) |
Territory: | Ireland (Ireland and United Kingdom: Northern Ireland) |
Periodical Publications: | The Genie Gazette (ISSN 1393-3183; English; monthly; 1996 to 2005) Ireland’s Genealogical Gazette (ISSN 1649-7937; English; monthly; since 2006) VIBE—Vexillology Ireland: Brateolaíocht Éireann (ISSN 2009-6437; English; quarterly; since 2013) |
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde e.V. (DGF) c/o Jörg Majewski Albaxer Straße 33 B 37671 HÖXTER Germany |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Jörg Majewski, president |
Secretary/Other: | Falko Schmidt, secretary |
Telephone: | ? |
E-mail: | pres@flaggenkunde.de |
Website: | http://www.flaggenkunde.de |
Established: | February 4, 1995 |
Member Since: | August 12, 1997 (number 43) |
Territory: | Germany |
Periodical Publications: | Der Flaggenkurier (ISSN 0949-6173; German; semiannual; since 1995) DGF-Nachrichten (German; 1995 to 2004) DGF-Informationen (German; bimonthly; since 2004) |
Flag Heritage Foundation (FHF) 301 Newbury St. Ste. 11 #108 DANVERS MA 01923-5297 USA |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Kirby A. Baker, chair |
Secretary/Other: | ? |
Telephone: | +1 424 272 0701 |
E-mail: | info@flagheritagefoundation.org |
Website: | http://www.flagheritagefoundation.org |
Established: | July 30, 1971 |
Member Since: | July 28, 2003 (number 58) |
Territory: | United States |
Periodical Publications: | The Standard (English; irregular; since 2002) Monograph and Translation Series (English; irregular, since 2010) |
The Flag Institute (FI) 84 Norwood Grove Beverley East Yorkshire HU17 9HS UNITED KINGDOM |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Malcolm Farrow, president |
Secretary/Other: | John Hall, chairman |
Telephone: | +44 20 7060 9660 |
E-mail: | chairman@flaginstitute.org |
Website: | http://www.flaginstitute.org |
Established: | April 23, 1971; November 17, 2012 (legal registration) |
Member Since: | June 24, 1971 (number 13) |
Territory: | United Kingdom |
Periodical Publications: | Flagmaster (ISSN 0142-1271; English; semiannual; since 1978) Flag Institute Bulletin (ISSN 0309-085X; English; irregular 1977 to 1978) Flagmaster (ISSN 0142-5129; English; quarterly 1971 to 1975) eFlags (no ISSN; English; irregular since 2006) |
Notes: | formed from the Heraldry Society, Flag Section (HSFS), which was removed as a Member in 1987 |
The Flag Research Center (FRC) c/o Charles A. Spain 504 Branard St. HOUSTON TX 77006-5018 USA |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Scot Guenter, Hugh Brady, and Charles Spain, directors |
Secretary/Other: | none |
Telephone: | +1 781 729 9410 |
E-mail: | cspain@vexillology.org |
Website: | https://flagresearchcenter.org |
Established: | February 1, 1962 |
Member Since: | September 7, 1969 (charter) |
Territory: | United States |
Periodical Publications: | The Flag Bulletin (ISSN 0015-3370; English; bimonthly; October 1, 1961 to present) Supplements: Flag Bulletin Newsletter / Courrier de drapeau / Flaggenmitteilungen (English; bimonthly; 1967 to 1973) Flag Information Sources (English; 1970 to 1973) The Vexillo–File (English; irregular; 2002 to 2011) Flag Specification Sheets (English; irregular; 1960 to 2011) Flag Data Archives (English; 1969 to 1975) End of the Year Review (English; annual; 1976 to 2011) News from the Vexillarium (English; irregular; 1982 to 2011) Flag Etiquette & Usage Standards (English; irregular; 1996 to 2011) FlagInform (English; irregular; 2001 to 2012) Flag Facts (English; irregular; 2012) |
Notes: | part of The Trust for Vexillology (a Texas nonprofit corporation) since March 15, 2014 |
Flag Society of Australia Inc. (doing business as Flags Australia) (FSA) Post Ofiice Box 233 MILSONS POINT NSW 1565 Australia |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Ralph D. Kelly, president |
Secretary/Other: | Ralph G.C. Bartlett, secretary |
Telephone: | +61 2 9481 0978 (Ralph D. Kelly) |
E-mail: | ralphkelly@flagsaustralia.com.au (Ralph D. Kelly) |
Website: | http://www.flagsaustralia.com.au |
Established: | August 20, 1983 |
Member Since: | May 28, 1985 (number 23) |
Territory: | Australia |
Periodical Publication: | Crux Australis (ISSN 0814-5008; English; quarterly; since 1984) |
Flags of the World (FOTW) c/o Rob Raeside 2 Gloosecap Terrace WOLFVILLE NS B4P 1S7 Canada |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Rob Raeside, director |
Secretary/Other: | Dirk Schönberger, list master |
Telephone: | +1 902 542 7767 (Rob Raeside) |
E-mail: | rob.raeside@gmail.com (Rob Raeside) |
Website: | http://www.flagspot.net |
Established: | September 1993 |
Member Since: | July 23, 2001 (number 56) |
Territory: | Canada |
Periodical Publication: | Flags of the World website (English; continuous; since 1993; available online at http://www.flagspot.net) |
Fundación Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Culturales (CIDEC) c/o Aníbal Gotelli Calle Marcelo T. de Alvear 2171 – Piso 1° C1122AAG BUENOS AIRES Argentina |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Aníbal Gotelli, president |
Secretary/Other: | María Laura Arnejo, secretary-general |
Telephone: | +549 11 5828 6382 |
E-mail: | info@cidecargentina.com |
Website: | www.cidecargentina.com |
Established: | March 7, 1990; 1992 (registered as nonprofit foundation) |
Member Since: | August 23, 1993 (number 36) |
Territory: | Argentina |
Periodical Publications: | Boletín CIDEC (Spanish; bimonthly; since 1992) La Page Française (French; since 1992) Anglo-American Journal (English; since 1995) C.I.D.E.C. en Acción: Boletín Informativo Virtual (Spanish; since 2001) |
Notes: | originally admitted as Associate Member; became Full Member August 27, 1993; temporarily known as Asociación de Profesionales del Ceremonial de la República Argentina (APCRA) |
Genealogijos, heraldikos ir veksilologijos institutas (GHVI) Institute of Genealogy, Heraldry and Vexillology (Lithuania) Migdolų g. 15 LT-14186 Saldenė, Vilnius district Lithuania |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Remigijus Bimba, president |
Secretary/Other: | Paulius Vaniuchinas, chairman of the Board |
Telephone: | +370 610 23144 (Remigijus Bimba) |
E-mail: | info@ghvi.lt |
Website: | http://www.ghvi.lt |
Established: | February 9, 2021 |
Member Since: | July 12, 2022 (number 75) |
Territory: | Lithuania |
Periodical Publication: | Genealogija, heraldika ir veksilologija (ISSN 2669-2945 / ISSN 2669-2953 online; Lithuanian; annual; since 2021) |
Great Waters Association of Vexillology (GWAV) c/o David Breitenbach 7457 N. Sheridan Rd. CHICAGO IL 60626-6800 USA |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | David Breitenbach, president |
Secretary/Other: | William Bilanich, secretary |
Telephone: | +1 773 465 7530 (David Breitenbach) |
E-mail: | flaggsusa@prodigy.net |
Website: | http://gwav.tripod.com |
Established: | May 11, 1991 |
Member Since: | July 29, 1999 (number 49) |
Territory: | United States: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio |
Periodical Publication: | FlaGWAVer (English; semiannual; since 1996) |
Notes: | changed name on November 6, 1996 from Great Waters Chapter (GWC) after NAVA voted not to establish chapters |
Grboslovno in zastavoslovno društvo Heraldica Slovenica (HS) Heraldica Slovenica Heraldry and Vexillology Society Tugomerjeva ulica 10 1000 LJUBLJANA Slovenia |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Aleksander Hribovšek, president |
Secretary/Other: | Uroš Žižmund, vice-president |
Telephone: | +386 41 597 821 |
E-mail: | pisarna@heraldica-slovenica.si |
Website: | http://www.heraldica-slovenica.si/ |
Established: | 1991 |
Member Since: | August 23, 1993 (number 32) |
Territory: | Slovenia |
Periodical Publication: | none |
Notes: | changed name in 1995 from Slovenski Ščit – HGV Club (SS), and in 2022 from Heraldično, genealoško in veksilološko društvo Heraldica Slovenica (HS) |
Heraldischer Verein “Zum Kleeblatt” von 1888 zu Hannover e.V. (HVK) c/o Hans-Peter Dege Spandauer Weg 59 31141 HILDESHEIM Germany |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Hans-Peter Dege, chairman |
Secretary/Other: | Volkmar Tonnies, secretary |
Telephone: | ? |
E-mail: | info@zum-kleeblatt.de |
Website: | http://www.zum-kleeblatt.de |
Established: | December 4, 1888 |
Member Since: | August 23, 1993 (number 35) |
Territory: | Germany |
Periodical Publications: | Kleeblatt: Zeitschrift für Heraldik und verwandte Wissenschaften (German; since 1984) Jahrbuch—Heraldischer Verein “Zum Kleeblatt” von 1888 zu Hannover e.V. (ISSN 0341-9908; German; annual; since 1963) |
Notes: | originally admitted as Associate Member; became Full Member August 27, 1993 |
Hrvatsko grboslovno i zastavoslovno društvo (HGZD) Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association Pazinska 50 10110 ZAGREB Croatia |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Željko Heimer, president |
Secretary/Other: | Matea Brstilo Rešetar, secretary |
Telephone: | +385 91 56 39 391 (Željko Heimer) |
E-mail: | hgzd@hgzd.hr |
Website: | http://www.hgzd.hr |
Established: | May 4, 2006 |
Member Since: | August 7, 2007 (number 62) |
Territory: | Croatia |
Periodical Publication: | Grb i Zastava (ISSN 1846-3827; Croatian and English; semiannual; since 2006) |
Notes: | changed name on July 18, 2015 from Hrvatsko grboslovno i zastavoslovno društvo / Croatian Heraldic and Vexillologic Association |
Indian Vexillological Association (IVA) Sanjeeva Rao Kambhampati #C1 Grand Residency Road No. 2 Vijayanagar Colony Khammam Bypass Road KHAMMAM 507002 Telangana India |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Sanjeeva Rao, president |
Secretary/Other: | D. Lingaraju, general secretary |
Telephone: | +91 9949778428 (Sanjeeva Rao) |
E-mail: | sanjeevarao1963@yahoo.com |
Website: | none |
Established: | November 14, 2002 |
Member Since: | August 7, 2007 (number 63) |
Territory: | India |
Periodical Publication: | none |
Instytut Heraldyczno-Weksylologiczny (IHW) ul. Turystyczna 70 43-436 GÓRKI WIELKIE Poland |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Beata Znamierowska, director |
Secretary/Other: | ? |
Telephone: | +48 33 853 99 28 |
E-mail: | info@instytutheraldyczny.pl |
Website: | http://www.albumpolski.pl/IHW_WWW/index.php |
Established: | September 1, 1997 |
Member Since: | July 23, 2001 (number 51) |
Territory: | Poland |
Periodical Publication: | Flagi miast polskich (Polish; bimonthly; since 2000) Weksylia (Polish and English; bimonthly; since 2015) |
Kevarzhe Vannielouriezh Vreizh (KVV) Société Bretonne de Vexillologie c/o Alain Raullet 47 rue de Gascogne 22000 ST BRIEUC Breizh France |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Alain Raullet, president |
Secretary/Other: | Hervé Prat, secretary |
Telephone: | +33 0 2 96 94 34 82 (Alain Raullet) |
E-mail: | alain.raullet@wanadoo.fr (Alain Raullet) |
Website: | http://drapeauxbretagne.canalblog.com/archives/accueil___degemer/index.html |
Established: | June 23, 1996 |
Member Since: | August 12, 1997 (number 45) |
Territory: | France: Brittany |
Periodical Publication: | Ar Banniel (ISSN 1274-5596; Breton/French; biannual; since 1996) |
Notes: | previously know by abbreviation SBV |
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vlaggenkunde (NVvV) c/o Marcel van Westerhoven Willemsbos 89 2134 EC HOOFDDORP Netherlands |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Davied van Berlo, president |
Secretary/Other: | Marcel van Westerhoven, secretary |
Telephone: | +31 06 15250653 (Marcel van Westerhoven) |
E-mail: | secretaris@vlaggenkunde.nl |
Website: | http://vlaggenkunde.nl/ |
Established: | March 19, 1966 |
Member Since: | September 7, 1969 (charter) |
Territory: | Netherlands |
Periodical Publication: | Vexilla Nostra (ISSN 1382-2497; Dutch; monthly/bimonthly; 1966 to 1998)
Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra (ISSN 1382-2497; Dutch; quarterly; 1998 to 2008) |
New England Vexillological Association (NEVA) c/o Carl S. Gurtman 34 Brave Boat Harbor Rd. YORK ME 03909-5027 USA |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Carl S. Gurtman, president |
Secretary/Other: | David B. Martucci, secretary/treasurer |
Telephone: | +1 207 363 4920 (Carl S. Gurtman) |
E-mail: | cgurtman@maine.rr.com (Carl S. Gurtman) |
Website: | http://nejv.org |
Established: | April 21, 1991 |
Member Since: | July 29, 1999 (number 50) |
Territory: | United States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont |
Periodical Publication: | New England Journal of Vexillology (English; semiannual; since 1995) |
New Zealand Flag Association (NZFA) c/o John Moody 244 Williams Street KAIAPOI 7630 New Zealand |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | John Matthew, acting president |
Secretary/Other: | Dianne Gray, acting secretary |
Telephone: | +64 3 327 8060 (John Moody) |
E-mail: | johnmoody431@hotmail.com (John Moody) |
Website: | none |
Established: | January 16, 1994 |
Member Since: | July 3, 1995 (number 39) |
Territory: | New Zealand |
Periodical Publication: | Masthead (ISSN 1173-1850; English; since 1994) |
Notes: | changed name on June 2, 1999 from The Flag Association of New Zealand / Te Roopu Haki Matua o Aotearoa (FANZ) |
日本旗章学協会 (JAVA) Nihon Kishōgaku Kyōkai Japanese Vexillological Association c/o Yusuke Katsurada Shin-Matsudo 7-298-1 Matsudo City Chiba 270-0034 Japan |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Yusuke Katsurada, president |
Secretary/Other: | Yoshinori Koshikawa, secretary-general |
Telephone: | +81 9083369535 (Yusuke Katsurada) |
E-mail: | yusuke.katsurada@gmail.com |
Website: | https://www.j-flags-java.org/ |
Established: | January 1, 2000 |
Member Since: | July 23, 2001 (number 52) |
Territory: | Japan |
Periodical Publication: | 旗章学 (Kishougaku), annually since 2020 |
Nordisk Flaggselskap (NF) Nordisk Flagselskab Nordiska Flaggsällskapet Norræna Fánafélagið Pohjoismaiden Lippuseura no mailing address |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Peter Osterbye, president |
Secretary/Other: | Ulla Petrell, secretary |
Telephone: | +45 72 21 72 07 (Peter Osterbye) |
E-mail: | formand@nordicflagsociety.org |
Website: | http://www.nordicflagsociety.org |
Established: | January 27, 1973 |
Member Since: | September 14, 1973 (number 15) |
Territory: | Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden |
Periodical Publications: | Nordisk Flaggkontakt (ISSN 0109-7539; multilingual; semiannual; since 1984; variant title is Nordisk Flagkontakt) Nordisk Flagskrift (ISSN 0108-7916; Danish; irregular; 1975 to 1991) |
Notes: | Nordisk Flaggselskap (Norwegian), Nordisk Flagselskab (Danish), Nordiska Flaggsällskapet (Swedish), Norræna Fánafélagið (Icelandic), and Pohjoismaiden Lippuseura (Finnish) |
North American Vexillological Association-Association nord-américaine de vexillologie (NAVA) Post Office Box 55071 #58049 BOSTON MA 02205-5071 USA |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Peter Ansoff, president |
Secretary/Other: | Edward B. Kaye, secretary |
Telephone: | +1 703 941 04,94 (Peter Ansoff) |
E-mail: | pres@nava.org |
Website: | http://www.nava.org |
Established: | June 3, 1967 (organized), March 19, 1968 (legal registration) |
Member Since: | September 7, 1969 (charter) |
Territory: | Canada and United States |
Periodical Publications: | Vexillum (ISSN pending; English; quarterly; since 2018) Raven: A Journal of Vexillology (ISSN 1071-0043 (print) and ISSN 2376-8592 (online); English; annual; since 1994) Flag Research Quarterly (ISSN 2334-4407 (print) and ISSN 2474-1884 (online)); English; quarterly; 2013 to 2017) NAVA News (ISSN 1053-3338 (print) and ISSN 2372-1332 (online); English; quarterly; 1967 to 2017) NAVA Yearbook (English; annual 1973 to 1983) NAVA Handbook (English; 1986 and 1989) |
Notes: | changed name from North American Vexillological Association on October 7, 2012 |
Polskie Towarzystwo Weksylologiczne (PTW) ul. Racławicka 103 02-634 WARSZAWA Poland |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Krzysztof Jasieński, president |
Secretary/Other: | Wojciech Szczerba, secretary |
Telephone: | +48 22 844 41 58 (Andrzej Bebłowski) |
E-mail: | biuro@weksylologia.pl |
Website: | http://www.weksylologia.pl |
Established: | October 10, 1992 |
Member Since: | July 3, 1995 (number 40) |
Territory: | Poland |
Periodical Publication: | Flaga (ISSN 1509-2429; Polish; quarterly; since 1999) |
The Portland Flag Association (PFA) c/o Max Liberman 7290 S.W. Ashdale Dr. PORTLAND Oregon 97223-9385 USA |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Max Liberman, FIAV representative |
Secretary/Other: | Edward B. Kaye, newsletter editor |
Telephone: | +1 503 452 0101 (Max Liberman) |
E-mail: | info@portlandflag.org |
Website: | http://www.portlandflag.org |
Established: | October 28, 1994 |
Member Since: | August 6, 2013 (number 69) |
Territory: | United States: Portland, Oregon |
Periodical Publication: | The Vexilloid Tabloid (ISSN 2474-1787; English; bimonthly; since 1999) |
Notes: | changed name on January 11, 2001 from Portland Flag Group (PFG); no formal leadership structure |
Российский Центр флаговедения и геральдики (RCVH) Russian Centre of Vexillology and Heraldry P.O. Box 20 413111 ENGELS Saratov Oblast Russia |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Victor Lomantsov, chairman |
Secretary/Other: | Serge Bubnov, secretary |
Telephone: | ? |
E-mail: | flagoved@russovex.org |
Website: | http://www.vexillographia.ru/ |
Established: | September 11,1975 |
Member Since: | July 28, 2003 (number 59) |
Territory: | Russia |
Periodical Publications: | The Flag (Russian; 1976 to 1977; Russian and English since 2003) |
Notes: | changed name on September 11, 1991 from Volga Vexillology Club (VVC) |
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Fahnen- und Flaggenkunde (SSV) Société Suisse de Vexillologie Societa Svizzera di Vessillologia c/o Emil Dreyer Flurweg 43 3052 ZOLLIKOFEN Switzerland |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Emil Dreyer, president |
Secretary/Other: | Harald Müller, secretary |
Telephone: | +41 31 911 60 18 (Emil Dreyer) |
E-mail: | info@vexilla.ch |
Website: | http://www.vexilla.ch |
Established: | January 21, 1967 |
Member Since: | September 7, 1969 (charter) |
Territory: | Switzerland |
Periodical Publication: | Vexilla Helvetica (ISSN 1424-5841; German and French; since 1969) |
Sociedad Española de Vexilología (SEV) Calle Labrador, 17, bajo D, 28005 Madrid Spain |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Jorge Hurtado Maqueda, president |
Secretary/Other: | José Manuel Erbez Rodríguez, secretary |
Telephone: | — |
E-mail: | info@vexilologia.org |
Website: | http://www.vexilologia.org |
Established: | October 31, 1977 |
Member Since: | June 29, 1979 (number 19) |
Territory: | Spain |
Periodical Publications: | Banderas (ISSN 0213-0955; Spanish; quarterly; since 1979) Gaceta de Banderas (Spanish/French/English; eight times a year; since 1992 (in collaboration with Centre Belgo-Européen d’Études des Drapeaux)) |
Societas Vexillologica Belgica (SVB) c/o Roger Baert Place du Chant de l’Alouette, 8 1080 MOLENBEEK-SAINT-JEAN (BRUXELLES) Belgium |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | ? |
Secretary/Other: | Roger Baert, secretary |
Telephone: | ? |
E-mail: | roger.baert.svb@skynet.be (Roger Baert) |
Website: | none |
Established: | August 30, 1977 |
Member Since: | June 29, 1979 (number 20) |
Territory: | Belgium |
Periodical Publications: | Vexilla Belgica (ISSN 0772-3261; multilingual; annual; 1977 to 1993) Vexillinfo (ISSN 0772-3253; multilingual; irregular; 1980 to 1990) |
Societatea de Genealogie, Heraldică şi Arhivistică “Paul Gore” (SGHAPG) c/o Silviu Andrieş-Tabac Strada Florifor 12/3, ap. 76 MD-2068 CHIŞINĂU Republic of Moldova |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Silviu Andrieş-Tabac, chairman |
Secretary/Other: | Silvia Corlateanu, secretary |
Telephone: | +373 22 44 31 69 (Silviu Andrieş-Tabac) |
E-mail: | silviu_tabac@yahoo.fr (Silviu Andrieş-Tabac) |
Website: | none |
Established: | October 22, 1997 |
Member Since: | July 23, 2001 (number 55) |
Territory: | Moldova |
Periodical Publication: | none |
Notes: | originally admitted as Associate Member; became voting Member July 23, 2001 |
Société française de vexillologie (SFV) c/o Montbel libraire & éditeur 8 rue de Courcelles 75008 PARIS France |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Cédric de Fougerolle, president |
Secretary/Other: | Pierre-Henri Schecter, secretary-general – treasurer |
Telephone: | +33 01 81 69 87 50 (Cédric de Fougerolle) |
E-mail: | president@drapeaux-sfv.org |
Website: | http://www.drapeaux-sfv.org |
Established: | March 16, 1985 |
Member Since: | July 1, 1991 (number 27) |
Territory: | France |
Periodical Publications: | Drapeaux & Pavilons (ISSN 0769-7864; French; quarterly; since 2018) Eranciae Vexilla (ISSN 1270-0096; French; quarterly; 1996 to 2018) Emblemes et pavillons (ISSN 0769-7864; French; quarterly; 1985 to 1996) Annuaire de la Société française de vexillologie (ISSN 0981-2180; French; 1986, 1991, and 2005) |
Southern African Vexillological Association (SAVA) P.O. Box 836 PINEGOWRIE 2123 South Africa |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Peter Whitehead, chairman |
Secretary/Other: | Bruce B. Berry, secretary/treasurer |
Telephone: | +27 11 313 3502 (Bruce B. Berry) |
E-mail: | secretary@savaflags.org.za |
Website: | http://www.savaflags.org.za |
Established: | November 26, 1990 |
Member Since: | July 2, 1991 (number 28) |
Territory: | Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, eSwatini, Zambia, and Zimbabwe |
Periodical Publications: | SAVA Journal (no ISSN; English; irregular; since 1992) SAVA Newsletter (English; triannual; since 1991) |
საქართველოს პარლამენტთან არსებული ჰერალდიკის სახელმწიფო საბჭო (SCHG) State Council of Heraldry at the Parliament of Georgia 4, Sanapiro str 0114 TBILISI Georgia |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Mamuka Gongadze, chairman |
Secretary/Other: | David Chkheidze, deputy chairman |
Telephone: | +995 32 293 20 97 |
E-mail: | heraldika@parliament.ge georgianheraldry@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.heraldika.ge |
Established: | February 29, 2008 |
Member Since: | August 2, 2011 (number 65) |
Territory: | Georgia |
Periodical Publication: | Heroldi (Georgian; annual; since 2012) |
Stichting Vlaggenparade Rotterdam (SVPR) Rochussenstraat 67a 3015 ED ROTTERDAM Netherlands |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Kees Vrijdag, chairman |
Secretary/Other: | Jos van de Sandt, secretary |
Telephone: | +31 6 467 480 63 |
E-mail: | info@vlaggenparade.nl |
Website: | http://www.vlaggenparade.nl |
Established: | June 6, 1997 |
Member Since: | August 2, 2011 (number 66) |
Territory: | Netherlands |
Periodical Publications: | Vlaggenlijn (Dutch; 1998 to 2008) (in collaboration with former Stichting Vlaggenmuseum Nederland) Vlag! (ISSN 1877-167X; Dutch; triannually; 2008 to 2018 in collaboration with Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vlaggenkunde and former Stichting Vlaggenparade Rotterdam), now published by NVvV only |
Notes: | changed name on November 26, 2007 as successor (with former Stichting Vlaggenmuseum Nederland) to Stichting Vlaggenmuseum Rotterdam (SVR) |
Středisko vexilologických informací (SVI) Flag Data Centre c/o Petr Exner Havlíčkova 294 500 02 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ Czech Republic |
Type: | Institution |
President/Other: | Petr Exner, director |
Secretary/Other: | Jaroslav Martykán |
Telephone: | ? |
E-mail: | petr.exner@centrum.cz (Petr Exner) |
Website: | http://www.vexi.info |
Established: | March 1994 |
Member Since: | July 28, 2003 (number 60) |
Territory: | Czech Republic |
Periodical Publications: | Vexilokontakt (Czech; irregular; since 1989 (in collaboration with Česká vexilologická společnost o. s.)) vexiI.info (Czech with English summary; bimonthly; since 1994; changed name in January 2005 from vexiINFO) Vexilologický lexikon (Czech; semiannual; annual since 1996) |
Erdélyi Címer- és Zászlótudományi Egyesület (THVA) Asociația de Heraldică și Vexilologie din Transilvania Transylvanian Heraldic and Vexillological Association c/o Attila István Szekeres Str. Infratirii, 6/3/B/20 520068 SF. GHEORGHE Transilvania, Romania |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Attila István Szekeres, president |
President/Other: | Ferenc Tibodi, vice-president |
Secretary/Other: | Gábor Bokor, secretary |
Telephone: | +40 723 934 318 (Attila István Szekeres) |
E-mail: | herald.vexil@gmail.com |
Website: | https://www.facebook.com/cimer.zaszlo https://www.facebook.com/heraldica.vexilologie https://www.facebook.com/heraldry.vexillology |
Established: | registered on 16th January 2015 (est. 2014.) |
Member Since: | July 12, 2022 (number 76) |
Territory: | Transilvania, Romania |
Periodical Publication: | none currently; TransHerVex (Transylvanian Heraldry and Vexillology) – in preparation, annual trilingual journal in Hungarian, Romanian and English |
Українське Геральдичне Товариство (UHT) Ukrayins’ke Heral’dychne Tovarystvo The Ukrainian Heraldry Society c/o Andriy Grechylo P.O. Box 1569 79013 L’VIV Ukraine |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Andriy Grechylo, president |
Secretary/Other: | Ivan Svarnyk, vice-president; Serhiy Lysenko, vice-president |
Telephone: | +380 50 6654583 (Andriy Grechylo—mobile) +380 32 238 15 01 (Andriy Grechylo—home) |
E-mail: | uht1990@gmail.com (Andriy Grechylo) |
Website: | http://uht.org.ua |
Established: | July 9, 1990 (organized); December 7, 1993 (legal registration) |
Member Since: | July 3, 1995 (number 41) |
Territory: | Ukraine |
Periodical Publications: | Знак (Znak) (in English The Sign) (ISSN 1998-1651; Ukrainian; since 1993) Генеалогічні записки УГТ (in English Genealogical Notes of the UHT) (ISBN 978-966-02-4713-0; Ukrainian; since 2000) |
Notes: | originally admitted as Associate Member; became Full Member later same day |
Vexillological Association of the State of Texas (VAST) c/o Charles A. Spain 504 Branard St. HOUSTON TX 77006-5018 USA |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Hugh L. Brady, president |
Secretary/Other: | Charles A. Spain, secretary/treasurer |
Telephone: | +1 713 529 2545 (Charles A. Spain) |
E-mail: | info@texflags.org |
Website: | http://www.texflags.org |
Established: | February 16, 1991 (organized); March 8, 2000 (legal registration) |
Member Since: | July 23, 2001 (number 57) |
Territory: | United States: Texas |
Periodical Publication: | The National Standard (ISSN 2165-0101 (print) and ISSN 2165-011X (online); English; semiannual; since 2012; continuing VAST News (ISSN 1531-1783; English; irregular; since 2001)) |
Periodical Publication: | The Flagship (English; since 1993) |
中国旗帜学研究中心 (VRCC) Vexillological Research Center of China Xinfeng Flag Center 31 Haoyuan HaihuxiliI Fengtai District BEIJING China |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Zhao Xinfeng, chairman |
Secretary/Other: | Liu Jin |
Telephone: | +86 10 6351 4523 (Liu Jin) |
E-mail: | vrcc2024@163.com |
Website: | www.vrcc.org.cn |
Established: | March 23, 2019 |
Member Since: | July 16, 2019 (number 74) |
Territory: | China |
Periodical Publications: | none |
Vexillological Society (Singapore) (VSS) 10 Gopeng Street, #40-05 Singapore 078878 |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Jolyn Pek, president |
Secretary/Other: | Gil Schneider, secretary |
Telephone: | TBA |
E-mail: | vexillologicalsocsg@gmail.com |
Website: | https://www.facebook.com/FlagsSingapore |
Established: | registered on 26 August 2020 |
Member Since: | July 12, 2022 (number 77) |
Territory: | Singapore |
Periodical Publication: | The Flag Times: The Official Newsletter of the Vexilloloical Society (Singapore) – monthly newsletter, in English |
World Vexillological Research Institute (WVRI) c/o Roman Klimeš Sklenská 35 198 00 PRAHA 9 Czech Republic |
Type: | institution |
President/Other: | Roman Klimeš, executive director |
Secretary/Other: | none |
Telephone: | +420 281 86 05 48 (Roman Klimeš) |
E-mail: | romanklimes.flawas@email.cz |
Website: | none |
Established: | November 30, 1992 |
Member Since: | August 23, 1993 (number 34) |
Territory: | Czech Republic |
Periodical Publication: | Flaggen, Wappen und Siegel (ISSN 0948-3748; German; since 1986 (since 1992 as publication of WVRI)) |
Здружение за хералдика, вексилологија и фалеристика Македонско грбословно друштво Скопје (MGD) Zdruzenie za heraldika, veksilologija i faleristika Makedonsko grboslovno društvo Skopje Macedonian Heraldic Society Petar Mandžukov 113/6 1010 SKOPJE Macedonia |
Type: | association |
President/Other: | Jovan Jonovski, president |
Secretary/Other: | Pavle Arsoski, secretary |
Telephone: | +389 70 252 989 (Jovan Jonovski) |
E-mail: | info@heraldika.org.mk |
Website: | http://heraldika.org.mk |
Established: | July 15, 2018 |
Member Since: | July 16, 2019 (number 72) |
Territory: | Macedonia |
Periodical Publications: | Македонски Хералд / Macedonian Herald (Macedonian and English; semi-annual; since 2005) |
Notes: | successor to Македонско xералдичко здружение (MHZ) / Makedonsko heraldičko združenie /Macedonian Heraldry Society, which dissolved on July 15, 2018 due to inability to elect executive board members |
Last Updated on February 19, 2025